Page 12 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 12

In the letter, President Aliping asked    This particular issue was exhaustively
                   the  DoE  to  review  its  policy  on  the   discussed  during  the  Conference  on
                   issuance  of  hydropower  service         Exercising  the  Green  Energy  Option
                   contracts  (HSCs).    These  contracts    held in Baguio City in September 2017.
                   were  granted  to  private  investors  to   Hosted  by  BENECO,  the  conference
                   develop RE “in an area they have never    was attended by ofcers and members
                   gone to” or which falls within the coop's   of the cooperative, consumer groups,
                   franchise area, Beneco said.              representatives of LGUs, the DoE, and
                                                             national  advocacy  groups  on
                   The coop also stood rm on its position   renewable  energy  and  energy
                   that electric cooperatives, and in this   democracy.  The  conference  later
                   particular  case,  the  IP  communities,   agreed  to  launch  a  campaign  to
                   must enjoy preference for developing      reclaim the rights of communities to
                   the  renewable  energy  resources         develop  their  own  renewable  energy
                   available  in  their  franchise  areas.   resources.
                   Sadly,  Secretary  Cusi  did  not  even
                   respond to President Aliping's letter.    Benets to host community

                   This  appeal  for  policy  review  and    Once allowed to challenge the HSC of
                   reform  remains  urgent  for  BENECO      private  developers,  Beneco  is
                   because  aside  from  the  3-mW  Man-     condent  that  it  can  readily  beat  or
                   asok  project  in  Buguias,  Benguet,  it   match them in terms of benets it can
                   was also able to secure an agreement      offer  to  consumers  and  its  host
                   with  the  IP  organization  of  Kabayan,   communities. For instance, the ₱470
                   Benguet for a possible joint venture for    million Man-asok hydropower project
                   20-mW  minihydro  projects  along  the    offers  a  package  of  benets  which
                   Agno river. Unfortunately, the HSC for    Beneco  believes  no  private  investor
                   Kabayan rivers was acquired earlier by    can top. In general, the project aims to:
                   a private developer afliated with big
                   power.                                         Provide low cost electricity;

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