Page 16 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
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Also part of the coop's greenpowering By pursuing these goals, they will
program involves coordination with surely be up against the giants in the
National Irrigation Administration power industry. These are the same
(NIA) for the co-utilization of irrigation players which have gained control of
structures for power generation. their renewable energy resources
despite obvious conicts of interest
Despite taking bold, impressive steps to because they are also involved in coal
shift to renewable energy and at the power.
s a m e t i m e , e m p o w e r i n g i t s
communities, BENECO doesn't want And producers of coal — the dirtiest
to do this alone. fuel — can never be green, according
to Landocan.
To g e t h e r w i t h o t h e r e l e c t r i c
cooperatives in the region, they formed Page 16 of 9Benguet and its IP
the Cordillera Region Cooperatives' communities should therefore not
Association (CRECA) to develop consider these corporations as
renewable energy power plants in partners in their development, let
Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, alone allow them to use their
Apayao, and Mt. Province. resources. After all, BENECO,
Benguet's very own electric coop, is
Making power generation clean, thriving.
sustainable, and a non-prot
business It remains successful at doing what it
does best: making power generation a
The goal is to adopt the BENECO non-prot business.
model of making the shift to clean
energy, power supply sustainability, More than that, BENECO is also
lower power costs (to zero), better world-class organization well-
benets to the community, and equipped to give energy democracy a
additional local employment and chance to ourish in this part of the
empowerment of the IP communities. globe.