Page 19 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 19
“St. Anthony's College is an institution “Solarizing” St. Anthony's
that carries a clear anti-coal advocacy,” College: A response to Laudato
Fr. Edione explained. “For years, we Si'
have done our best to convince as many
It didn't take long before St. Anthony's
people as possible to resist coal and the
College arrived at a solution to address
establishment and operations of coal
its high energy woes. It entered into a
mining plants. It is hard to convince
partnership with WeGen Distributed
people that coal mining and coal-red
Energy Philippines, a Pasig City-
power plants are bad for human health headquartered company that provides
and the environment; it's really an renewable energy solutions to homes,
uphill battle.” schools, and even entire islands.
Fr. Edione knew what he was talking The partnership resulted in the
about. installation of a 70.68 kWp solar PV
system on the rooftops of St. Anthony's
The school's president as well as other College.
members of the community witnessed
r s t h a n d t h e d e v a s t a t i n g
consequences of coal use on Semirara
Island, which is located more than a
hundred kilometers northwest of
And this explains why coal use wasn't
cool, as far as St. Anthony's College was
concerned. “We wanted to shift to
energy sources that are cleaner and
safer than what the coal plants
produce,” Fr. Edione said.