Page 20 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 20

The  partnership  t  each  party  like  a   solar  power  on  the  rooftops  of  their
                   glove.  For one thing, the project looked   churches,  schools,  seminaries,  and
                   like  it  was  practically  tailor-made  for   other church-owned buildings.
                   WeGen  Laudato  Si',  a  subsidiary
                   named after and inspired by the second    These  institutions  include  St.
                   encyclical of Pope Francis.               Anthony's College in Antique. In April
                                                             2019,  the  school  became  solar-
                   In all of its projects, the WeGen unit —   powered.
                   like  its  parent  —  observes  high
                   environmental standards and practices     More than just a rooftop
                   that adhere to Laudato Si' (Praise Be to   installation
                   You), published in June 2015.
                                                             The school's energy consumption was
                   The  encyclical  scored  environmental    based  on  data  captured  from  power
                   degradation  and  global  warming  and    loggers that were staged in the school
                   called on people around the world to      premises.  The  initial  consumption
                   take  swift,  unied  action  against     prole for St. Anthony's College was a
                   climate  change.  With  this  in  mind,   baseload of 20kW throughout the day
                   WeGen Laudato Si' has reached out to      until night.
                   schools  and  other  educational
                   institutions  by  holding  classroom      “WeGen  presented  them  with  an
                   discussions  on  solar  technology,  the   option to go green and save energy, and
                   importance of battling climate change,    they took everything we explained to
                   and  the  urgent  need  to  shift  to     them about solar energy and how their
                   renewable energy sources as a means       solar PV system works, and acted on
                   to save the planet.                       their own to be more energy efcient,”
                                                             the  WeGen  engineer  that  led  the
                     WeGen  L audato  Si'  has  also         project said.     “This is proof-positive
                   established strategic relationships with   that projects like these can and should
                   most  of  the  85  Catholic  dioceses     be  venues  of  collaboration  between
                   covering the entire Philippines to help   companies like WeGen and clients to
                   them  generate  clean  and  sustainable   develop environmental awareness.”

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