Page 23 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 23
The sun makes the school cool, Future savings will also go towards
literally improving school facilities.
The school is also exploring plans to
Since the school installed the solar PV open a weekend laundry shop for
system, it has enjoyed savings of students and the school staff, and
P50,000 on its electricity costs per possibly a bakery.
month, and it has been able to install an
St. Anthony's College also wants to
additional 12 airconditioning units.
assess its options for system expansion
which includes installing more panels
Airconditioners have already been
and integrating a storage system for all
installed at the library, allowing
the excess energy the solar PV system
students and faculty to enjoy the cooler generates.
Similarly, the administration building “We are in constant contact with the
and its many ofces and the senior high WeGen Technical Group which
school building and its classrooms have continues to give us tech support and
also benetted from the electricity answer all our inquiries. We are very
generated by the solar PV system. proud of our solar PV system, and we
teach the importance of shifting to
It has also enabled St. Anthony's renewable energy such as solar to our
College to keep its library and audio- students, faculty, and non-faculty
staff,” said Fr. Edione.
visual room open during weekends and
charge fees for non-students and non-
The actual solar panel installation
staff using the computer laboratory.
process was also an eye-opener for Fr.
Edione. “I was surprised when I saw
Additional income from these fees
how easy and straightforward the
p r o v i d e d m o r e f u n d s f o r whole process was. The WeGen team
airconditioning units in other rooms went to our school, conducted the
used by students and faculty members. assessment with technical engineers,