Page 25 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 25
Micro-scale renewable energy systems The island community of Cagbalete
or microrenewables are clean, continues to lack electricity access
affordable, and can be easily installed although being located adjacent to the
to meet the energy needs of rural Mauban Coal Power Plant, which has
communities and households. been in operation for more than 15
Through partnership with the local years. Instead of electricity, the
c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e p u b l i c residents received black ashes, and
environmental defense organization overpowered by a foul stench emitted
Tanggol Kalikasan, the Center for by the plant. Black particulate matters
Renewable Energy and Sustainable originating from the facility aggravated
Technology (CREST) deployed solar respiratory conditions of children, the
photovoltaic (PV) systems in elderly, and people with special needs.
marginalized communities whose Boats and beach sand turned black
health, environment, and livelihood affecting shing and tourism, the two
threatened by coal-red powered major livelihood sources of the
plants in Quezon province. community.
Quezon province is host to at least four Fu r t h e r, e l e c t r i c i t y r e m a i n s
coal-red power plants in the country. i n t e r m i t t e n t i n t h e c o a s t a l
The one expected to start operations communities of Barangay Ibabang Polo
this year is facing strong opposition in Pagbilao and Barangay Caridad Ilaya
from communities due to hazards in Atimonan. These communities
these fossil-based energy source pose composed mostly of poor families of
to the lives and livelihoods of local laborers, farmers, and sherfolks are
people. Further, despite huge installed paying a high grid price of Php 12 per
capacity of these coal plants which is kilowatt-hour, at the minimum, for
more than enough to power the substandard electricity services.
province's energy demand, there are Farming and shing activities
communities that remain in the dark, deteriorated over the years due to the
unenergized. coal-red power plants' operations.