Page 29 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 29
Small is Beautiful: the anaerobic biodigesters, a system that
microrenewables converts manure and biodegradable
materials into clean fuel and fertilizer,
A microsolar to light up the can benet livestock farm owners and
unenergized Bantay Gubat ranger prevent land and water pollution and
station in Mt. Banahaw-Cristobal contamination. Small biogas projects
National Park and an isolated upland can also be deployed in urban
elementary school in Barangay barangays to manage the huge
Ibabang Palale, Tayabas City is an volumes of biodegrable wastes coming
evidence of how a small project can from markets, restaurants and
make a big impact in an area. This residences.
microsolar is just one of the positive
results of CREST-Tanggol Kalikasan
partnership in rural communities.
Quezon has a vast renewable resource
that remains untapped and unutilized.
CREST aims to demonstrate more
small-scale systems in the province
that will harness the province's hydro,
wind, and biomass resources. It aims to
deploy a eld study site for microhydro
in the province – to demonstrate its
“pump-as-turbine” system that utilizes
off-the-shelf components and could
bring down the cost of hydro to less
than Php100,000 per kilowatt.
Even organic materials are energy
sources that can be benecial to a
community. CREST's work on