Page 32 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
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four hours a day from 6PM to 10PM.
This is in contrast to the mainland,
which enjoys electricity services 24
hours a day, seven days a week. As a
result, electricity is more expensive on
Malalison Island, prompting the need
for a more consistent and cheaper
source of energy to spur economic
growth in the area.
The island's 24/7 solar energy
The conceptualized solution to the
energy problem on the island is a solar
energy-based project to supplement
the current diesel-fueled power plant
in operation. The main proponents for
the project, which is formally entitled
t h e “ M a l a l i s o n I s l a n d S o l a r
Photovoltaic (PV) Hybrid Pilot Project”
are the Antique Electric Cooperative
(ANTECO) and the One Renewable
Energy Enterprise, Inc. (OREEI), in
p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e A s i a n
Development Bank (ADB) and the
municipality of Culasi, Antique. The
Antique Electric Cooperative or
ANTECO for short is a non-stock, non-
prot electric cooperative in the