Page 33 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 33
ANTECO is in charge of electricity The project includes a 50 kWp
distribution in the 16-out-of-18 (kilowatts-peak) hybrid mini-grid solar
municipalities in the province of power plant which converts the sun's
Antique, including Culasi as part of its radiant energy into electrical energy.
network. The One Renewable Energy The kilowatt-peak refers to the
Enterprise, Inc. (OREEI) is a private maximum capacity that a photovoltaic
company engaged in solar photovoltaic system can provide under standard
(PV) products and services for conditions. The electrical energy from
d i f f e r e n t a p p l i c a t i o n s . B o t h the solar PV panels are sent to an
stakeholders have teamed up together inverter which converts the direct
in a public-private partnership with the current into alternating current so that
municipality of Culasi to provide 24/7 it may be distributed through
energy supply to the island of ANTECO's distribution lines.
Households in the island availing of the
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) service are equipped with a smart
has provided grants to the partnership
amounting to $200,000 as part of its meter where they can monitor their
Energy for All Program, an initiative for energy consumption. The solar power
plant is paired with the existing 54 kVa
developing countries such as the
Philippines to increase citizens' (kilo-volt-ampere) diesel generator, in
accessibility to more modern and clean partnership with Electronic Life
forms of energy. The total cost of the Technology, to maximize both
project is $500,548. ADB's two grants equipment for 24/7 access to
of $100,000 each are for the solar PV electricity. The kilo-volt-ampere is
power plant and the prepaid metering, used to describe the apparent power of
while the remaining balance for energy the diesel generator. Any excess energy
generation was provided for by produced is sent to 278 kWh lithium-
ANTECO ($125,474) and OREEI ion batteries so that it can be used in
($175,074). the future.