Page 34 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 34

Monsoon hampers solar plant               Construction  of  the  power  plant  was
                   construction                              also  hampered  by  the  effects  of  the
                                                             southwest monsoon or the “habagat”
                   Setting up the solar PV power plant in    winds. The waves in the channel were
                   the  island  has  presented  itself  with   strengthened by the monsoon, causing
                   unique challenges mostly as a result of   construction to be delayed. The lack of
                   its  isolation  from  the  mainland.  The   carrying  vehicles  such  as  trucks  and
                   construction  of  the  power  plant       lorries on the island also presented a
                   involves  the  deliver y  of  large       challenge  for  transporting  the
                   equipment. The lack of large shipping     equipment from the shoreline to the
                   v e s s e l s   s u c h   a s   b a r g e s   w e r e   project site. More than twenty men had
                   unavailable, making bamboo rafts the      to carry the equipment such as battery
                   only  options.  The  rafts  needed  to  be   cells, genset, and solar panels.
                   reinforced  with  plastic  barrels  to
                   prevent the equipment on board from       For  construction  of  the  power  plant
                   sinking. The tide schedules were also     itself, cement and aggregates had to be
                   considered  when  loading  and            sourced  from  Culasi  rather  than
                   unloading  the  equipment  from  the      quarried in the site itself due to laws
                   rafts.  Difculties  were  encountered    that  prohibit  quarrying  in  protected
                   when equipment was unloaded during        areas. Additional costs were incurred
                   low  tide  because  the  water  level  was   to transport the cement and aggregates
                   lower than the dock.                      from the mainland to the project site.

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