Page 26 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 26

These  communities  have  been
                   suffering  from  years  of  exposure  to
                   polluting coal-red power plants.

                   Now,  they  are  in  the  frontlines,
                   opposing  the  proposed  new  and
                   expansion of existing coal-red power
                   plants in the province of Quezon. They
                   have  experienced  rst-hand  the
                   devastating impacts of dirty energy, the
                   false promises made by coal peddlers
                   and extreme marginalization. They are
                   crying out: “No to Coal!” and are ready
                   to embrace clean, renewable energy.

                   Renewable energy systems – a
                   must to address energy gaps

                   Having renewable energy systems was
                   identied by the residents as critical in   o r g a n i z a t i o n ,   a s s i s t e d   t h e
                   addressing  energy  gaps,  securing       c o m m u n i t i e s   i n   t h e   d e s i g n ,
                   adequate electricity, and increasing the   procurement,  and  installation  of  the
                   communities'  sense  of  security.  With   systems.
                   t h e   h e l p   o f   n o n - g o v e r n m e n t
                   organizations,  the  locals  are  on  their   More than 30 small sherfolk families
                   way  to  realizing  the  solution  to  their   practicing the artisanal shing method
                   pressing concerns. Tanggol Kalikasan      called  “pagkikitang”  in  Barangay
                   h a s   b e e n   s u p p o r t i n g   t h e s e   Caridad  Ilaya  are  now  enjoying  the
                   communities in their struggle towards     benets  of  a  solar-powered  cooling
                   a  clean  and  toxic-free  environment.   system in the form of a 19-cubic meter
                   CREST,  as  the  technical  partner       chest freezer.

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