Page 22 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 22

and took drone shots and videos. Soon     like how even if I'm far away from the
                   after, the design for our rooftop was put   school, I just need to open the app on
                   together,  and  construction  was         my phone and I can see how the solar
                   underway. The company and the team        panels  are  working  and  how  much
                   that  handled  our  project  not  only    power  it's  generating,”  he  said.
                   explained the technical requirements
                   for the installation, but also its benets.   He also shared that the installation of
                   We  understood  that  we  weren't  just   the  solar  PV  panels  has  led  to
                   going to cut our electricity costs, but we   behavioral  changes  among  the
                   were  also  helping  bring  down  our     students,  as  well  as  the  faculty  and
                   school's carbon footprint. By lessening   non-faculty staff.
                   our reliance on electricity generated by
                   coal-red  plants,  we  contribute  to    “After the panels were installed, more
                   efforts to save the planet. It might be a   people  here  have  become  aware  of
                   small  effort,  but  many  small  efforts   solar  power  and  why  it's  a  viable
                   when combined still count,” he said.      alternative  to  traditional  energy
                                                             sources. For instance, we know that we
                   Going solar: a win-win situation          should only turn on the aircon units
                   on all fronts                             when the sun is up, and we can use the
                                                             aircon so long as the sun is in the sky
                   Fr. Edione also expressed appreciation    and our panels are absorbing its light
                   for WeGen's monitoring app which is       and converting them to energy. We are
                   used  to  track  the  school's  electricity   all intent on maximizing the electricity
                   consumption and the solar PV system's     we get from the panels, and lessen our
                   operation.                                consumption at night,” he said.

                   “It's  a  very  effective  and  handy  tool   Ultimately, Fr. Edione said that going
                   because it helps us manage the solar      solar led to a win-win situation on all
                   PV system more efciently,” he said. “I    fronts for St. Anthony's College.

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