Page 15 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 15

(Onkaska) that opposed the Kabayan 2      “If  the  minihydro  plant  would  be
                   project,  previously  Nalatang  B  of     qualied under FIT, the margin would
                   Hedcor  Kabayan,  Inc.  (formerly         be used to fast track the payment of
                   Hedcor  Cordillera,  Inc.)  (This  is     loan. Thereafter, BENECO will use the
                   different  from  the  Kabayan  1  project   margin  to  reduce  the  cost  of
                   that was also opposed by Onkaska, a       generation.  Given  the  available
                   d u l y   r e g i s t e r e d   o r g a n i z a t i o n   potential of 2,244 MW for minihydro, it
                   representing the Ibaloys, Kankanaeys,     is  possible  to  attain  zero  generation
                   a n d   K a l a n g u y a s   i n   K a b a y a n   cost for consumers should Beneco be
                   municipality in Benguet.)                 able  to  develop  even  just  7%  of  the
                                                             potential,” said Landocan.
                   The NCIP decision will be forwarded to
                   DoE for appropriate action.               Although  minihydro  is  the  preferred
                                                             RE  for  development  in  Benguet,
                                                             Beneco is also looking into the viability
                   Other RE projects
                                                             of solar power.
                   BENECO  plans  to  develop  several       To this end, it submitted its intent to
                   other  minihydro  power  plants,          participate in the Rural Network Solar
                   according  to  Landocan,  the  project    (RNS)  Project  of  the  National
                   manager  for  the  Man-asok  facility.    Electrication Administration (NEA).
                   Besides  being  able  to  secure  its  own   BENECO  is  one  of  the  qualied
                   s u p p l y   a n d   c o m p l y   w i t h   t h e   electric  coops  that  was  chosen  to
                   requirements  of  the  Renewable          benet from a $1-million subsidy from
                   Portfolio  Standards  (RPS),  the  move   the European Union (EU) equivalent
                   also  plans  to  target  selling  excess   to  a  1-mW  solar  power  plant.  In
                   generation  to  the  Renewable  Energy    addition, BENECO through the efforts
                   Market (REM).                             of its Board of Directors, entered into a
                                                             Memorandum of Understanding with
                   Sales revenues from REM will be used      the  Arlington,Virginia-based  National
                   to  further  reduce  generation  costs    Rural Electric Cooperative Association
                   passed on to member-consumers, she        for the installation of a 10-mW plant
                   said.                                     through a separate grant.

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