Page 14 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
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commissioned study for labor unions the rest of the rivers and watersheds in
on the renewable energy potentials Benguet remain a battleeld between
within the electric cooperatives' communities and private developers.
franchise areas.
So far, a total of 32 hydropower service
The study showed an estimated 2,244 contract certicates have been
mW of hydropower potential in the awarded by the DoE to private
franchise area of Benguet, Camance developers in this area. Most contracts
said. Total installed capacity in the area were acquired by Aboitiz-led
at present is 298 mW only. By adding companies like Hedcor and SN Aboitiz
the installed capacity, Benguet Power. Some contracts such as
province's total RE potential would Beneco's Man-asok project are already
increase to 2,542 MW. active while many are considered non-
In 2018, BENECO's peak demand
reached 79 MW. In short, sources of BENECO is eyeing another 20-mW
renewable energy from within project in Kabayan, Benguet but as
BENECO's franchise area are more mentioned earlier, the HSC for
than enough to support its present and Kabayan was awarded to Hedcor
future electricity requirements. Benguet, Inc. in 2015 despite
opposition from IP communities.
The question, therefore, is no longer
whether Benguet can go 100% green In October 2017, these indigenous
but whether BENECO can achieve this groups have asked the DoE to cancel
vision in the face of obstacles hindering the contract but the petition has yet to
the development of renewable energy be acted upon by Secretary Cusi. For its
in the country. part, the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples — an agency
Currently, the 3-mW Man-asok mandated to protect IP rights — has
hydropower facility in Buguias is the acted on a petition led by a group, the
only project Beneco can claim since Onjon Ni Kasikuran Shi Kabayan