Page 23 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 23
The Polar Star is the north extension of the Superior mine and
covers a tract of ground that shows abundant surface indications of
mineral. It has been worked upon at several places, the principal
openings being close to the south end line and near to the Superior
ground. Twoshaftssunktherehaveproducedverygoodore,the
average in ton lots running upwards of $200, and picked specimens going very much higher. The ore so far taken out came from the
limestone and is of a quartzose character. It shows native silver andchloridethroughout. Atanotherportionoftheclaimanopen-
ing has been made upon a surface showing or outcropping of iron
and manganese, carrying silver. The Polar Star is regarded as one
of the leading claims of this district and rightly so. It is owned by
Col. Logan and Geo. Hunsaker, the latter in connection with Arthur
Phelps, being the locator of the property. A shipment of about two tons of first-class ore has been made.
The Silver Queen, located in April, 1882, by Burke and Skipp, is along the course of an immense contact-fissure vein between lime- stone and porphyry. It is opened in several places on the vein and
everywhere shows indications of great strength and permanance. The center workings, which are the most prominent, are confined to
the middle of the width of the vein and are all in vein matter, top, sidesandbottom. Theveinatthispointhasawidthofeightyfeet
by actual measurement, and wherever stripped or penetrated shows the same character of filling. These center workings consist of an adit level, run in thirty feet, to a point where it branches off, the main branch continuing on for a distance of forty feet further. The second branch goes beyond the parting place only a few feet, and at the face a shaft is down to about twenty feet. Every foot of these workings is in vein matter all more or less mineralized, and carrying pieces of ore from which high assays have been obtained. This vein stuff consists principally of decomposed iron stained porphyry, brown ironandmanganese. Assayshavebeenobtainedfromthematerial described, running $4.00, $12.00, $104 and $117 respectively. A general sample of the disintegrated vein matter returned $12.00 per ton. With so large and strong a vein, so well filled with min- eralized matter there is every reason to look for much from the future of this property. Doubtless the surface ore has undergone a leach- ing out process at the hands of nature, it being of a free character,