Page 24 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 24
and so easily acted upon that the course of the vein is traceable by
a marked depression in the hill through which it passes. Naturally the apex ore of a large vein of this description, is found debased through the influence of surface infiltration. It is the candid opinion of some of the best judges of mines in New Mexico that the Silver Queenwillproveanimmensemineupondeepdevelopment. This is an opinion in which the writer of this pamphlet shares. The course of the vein is north and south.
Silver Queen, Number i,is located parallel with and adjoins the Silver Queen upon the west. The ore is of a quartz character, car- rying galena, sulphide of silver, chloride and native silver. There are two openings on the claim, consisting of a shaft eighteen feet deep, and an adit level eighteen feet in length. As yet the ore is low grade, the assays showing only the presence of a small amount of silver. Burke and Skipp are the owners and locators of the claim.
Silver Queen, Number 2, is an east and west location, its east end line joining with the west sid'e line of the Silver Queen, Number i. It shows a vein of iron sulphurets in porphyry, and was located more with a view to taking up and protecting the water right of that por- tion of Sawpit canon, in which it is situated, than for any other pur- pose. Burke and Skipp are the owners and locators.
The Black Colt is a property upon which considerable surface
work has been done. At numerous points on the claim there are
outcroppings of iron and manganese, nearly all of which have silver in greater or less quantity. Several of these have been stripped off, and three shafts have been sunk. The vein is a contact-fissure, between limestone and porphyry. One shaft is down a depth of forty-five feet, one over sixty feet and one twenty-five feet, all show- ing an abundance of mineralized vein matter. Assays from ore tak- en out have returned from fifty to sixty dollars per ton. Peterson and
Simpson located and own the claim.
The Savage is located alongside the Superior mine, and is own- edbyFrazer,HoltandCosgrove. Itcoversquiteanextentofthe same belt of limestone as do the Bullion and Superior mines and has also within its lines a contact-fissure. The owners have put down a fifty foot shaft on an iron capping in the limestone. No work of consequence has yet been done on the contact. Some very favorable assays have been obtained from ore out of the Savage.