Page 25 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 25
The Little Jimmie is owned by Moore, Bennett & Co. It is opened in two places from the surface by means of shafts sunk in . limestone. Quite a large body of low grade ore has been struck in one of the shafts and development is being done with a view to reaching a better grade of ore. In character the ore is similar to that produced by the Bullion and Superior, but the value so far is as stated, low. The workings of the Little Jimmie are in the same lime belt as are the two famous mines mentioned.
The Southwick is east of the Savage' and parallel with it. It is ownedbyBurkeandO'Rourke. Atenfootshaftshowsveinmat-
ter consisting of iron and manganese.
The Evening Star, west of and parallel with the Bullion and Su-
perior, is owned by Burke and Skipp. It shows a contact on the surface.
The Silver Bullion, owned by Burke and Skipp, lies close to the Bullion upon the east. It has a shaft sunk on a contact, and makes a fair showing of mineralized vein matter.
The Uncle Jack is owned by Dugan, Donohoe and McNally. It is on a contact between lime and porphyry, and is opened by a shaft to the depth of eighty feet. The vein matter is iron and man- ganese, all mineralized, but of low grade.
The Empire is the extension upon the north, of the Iron King, and is owned by Dan Dugan. It is' in the same lime belt as the Iron King and shows upon the surface the same iron cropping. There are about fifty feet of work done upon the claim and some assays have been obtained that show well. Average samples of the ore assay from twenty-two to sixty odd ounces.
The Palmetto is owned by Skipp, Burke and Barnaby. It lies
parallelwiththeIronKingandEmpire. Noworkofconsequence has been done upon it, but there is the same surface showing of iron and manganese, as is to be found upon the surface of claims in that locality.
TheJudgeisownedbySkipp,BurkeandThompson. Ithasa shaft upon it twelve feet deep, in iron and manganese, from which some fair assays in silver have been obtained.
TheJohnBrantisownedbyDawson,Ferguson,andRoach. It is opened by a twelve foot shaft showing excellent indications of the