Page 28 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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course which has been stripped along its length for forty feet, pro- ducing considerable galena ore. At the south end there is a twenty- five foot shaft in iron and manganese ore. The ore from this shaft averages sixty-five ounces in silver. At the extreme south end there is a cut of sixty-five feet, in black iron, and from the bottom of this an incline shaft is down forty-six feet all in ore of the same charac-
ter of iron and manganese, averaging fairly in lead. Fifty feet east of this is another cut twenty-five feet long, with a vertical shaft forty
feet deep. From this it will be seen that the territory of the Iron King, embraces an extensive tract of valuable mineral bearing
ground. Exploitation shows that the ore exists at every point be- neath the surface of at least one-half the property, and extremely
strong probabilities for its continuing under most of the remaining surface. It also shows that this body of ore is over seventy feet thick, which of itself is something enormous. While it is not what would be called high grade, the ore is sufficiently valuable to furnish good returns over the cost of mining, handling and treating, when once the district is supplied with local smelting establishments. The ore ranges from twenty to ninety ounces in silver and from twelve to sixty per cent, in lead. The property is now owned by a private corporation of ample means and first-class financial standing, and is being developed with a view to demonstrating its actual worth, and also for the purpose of extracting and marketing the great quantities of ore known to exist in it. E. Lucien Richie is the resident agent and general manager at Kingston, and Wm. Welch is the working superintendent at the mine.
The Miner's Dream lies east of and immediately parallel with the Iron King. It is owned by Delaney, Corcoran and company. The ore so far found lies in an interstratafied condition in the lime- stone, but the general trend of it is toward a contact-fissure which is plainly indicated upon the surface of the ground covered by the property. The main development is an adit level which has follow- ed ore from the surface and which shows a fine body of ore several feet in thickness, at the breast. It is an argentiferous galena, select- ed samples of which return high assay values. Considerable blue and green carbonate of copper has been produced from this mine. There is a large dump of ore at the entrance of the main opening.
The Pinafore is located south of the Iron King and Miner's