Page 30 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
P. 30
The Black Eyed Susan is in the same mineral belt and is open-
ed by an adit twenty-five feet in length, showing ore from two to three feet wide the Avhole distance. It averages $50.00 in silver and from thirty to forty per cent, in lead.
The Brush Heap is also on the same lime belt. It is opened in
several places on the surface, the principal work being an open cut, six by ten feet. The vein here is fully six feet wide and filled with ore from wall to wall. Some very high assays have been had from ore out of this mine, but the general average, as determined by actual tests made by disinterested parties, is $61.00 in silver.
The Eclipse is parallel with the Black Eyed Susan, and is owned by Daniel Dugan. It has a surface opening showing it to be of the same character. The ore assays well.
The Illinois mine lies south of those just described, and is the same character of mine, both as regards its manner of occurrence and character of ore. It is owned by Colonel Logan, A. W. Harris, D. H. Jackson, J. W. Southwick and others. The main opening is an adit in about thirty feet, following a two foot ore streak for twenty- feet. At about midway of the adit an incline drift has been run to the southeast showing the vein clearly defined and in ore. A shaft is also down on the property to a depth of twenty odd feet. Out of this there has been a quantity of good ore taken and sacked, it being found in bunches connected with each other by thin ore streaks. The ore of the Illinois mine is of a uniformly good grade, and will average throughout the workings about $100 per ton. The silver is found as a chloride, sulphide, and in the native state. Considerable of the ore carrys a fair percentage of lead, sufficiently so to make it desirable for that metal, was there a local market for it.
The south extension of the Illinois is owned by Harris and Per- kins. It has a ten foot shaft and shows ore that assays low in silver. The Good Will lies southeast of the Illinois, and is owned by Roach, Ferguson and Dawson. It is opened by a fifteen foot shaft,
and has a fair streak of ore. Assays show a value of $30.00.
The U. S. claim lies west of the Illinois and is developed by a seventy-five foot shaft. It shows fine indications of mineral in the bottom and promises to reach ore, which in character will be like
that of the Bullion and Superior.
The Gray Horse, owned by Dugan, McNally and Donohoe, has