Page 31 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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a shaft sixty feet deep with several minor surface openings. It shows ore in all the openings made, and these are seemingly along the line of a fracture in the surface limestone, which from appearances and the nature of the ore held by them,would seem to indicate the pres- ence of an interstratified ore deposit at greater depth. The assays
of this ore have been of a very flattering kind, the average being up- wards of $100.
The Southwest, owned by Frazer and Holt, is located about two miles south from Kingston, and under development made this spring is proving to be a mine of excellent merit. It is opened by a shaft sunk upon a large body of ore, which carries silver in good quantities. It is located upon a contact-fissure vein.
The Big Thing, owned by Chase & Co., is located upon the summit of Kentuck mountain. It has been worked actively tor several months by a force of five men, and shows eight feet of ore that runs $40 in silver. It is a claim of exceeding good promise.
The Seaside is situated upon one of the hills northeast of Kingston and has a streak of ore varying from twelve to twenty inches, from which some very high assay returns have been obtained. It is owned by Dansby, Bryson and others.
Besides those mentioned in more or less detail in the foregoing, there is a host of claims within the limits of the Middle Percha whose merits are such as to entitle them to favorable mention did the limit of this pamphlet permit of it.' The east slope of Kentuck mountain and the slopes of the hills northeast and southwest of Kingston contain many such. Those of Kentuck mountain are par- ticularly deserving and embrace the following well and favorably- knownproperties: TheWhale,TipTopandGoodHope. Among the others are the Hilty Fraction, John S. Phelps, Sun Set, Lucky- Cuss, Sun,Rise, Shorty, Little Anna, Lizzie, Silver, No. 2, Van YVert, White Elephant and the Sand Flat. None of these but what have had considerable work done on them, and all show ore in more or less
In Sawpit gulch is the Yellow Jacket, showing a large vein of
white quartz, with chloride stains. North of this is the Monona, located along the line of a contact-fissure, and looking well. The Condor, in the immediate vicinity, is also a good promising claim.
Immediately west of town are several good prospects. Among