Page 29 - The Mines of Kingston, New Mexico
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Dream. It is owned by Burke & Skipp. Shows surface indications and is the same character of mine as the " King." It has a shaft down fifty-four feet and has produced ore which assays well in silver.
The Cave mine, owned by Dugan and Donohoe, is in the same
locality. It has a shaft twenty feet deep, with good ore of a quartz character, from some of which high assays have been obtained.
The Ready Cash is a contact-fissure, upon which the work -done has resulted in making a very handsome looking prospect. There is a well defined streak of lead carbonate ore, and the silver value is
highlyencouraging,runningupwardsofonehundredounces. This is one of the best undeveloped claims on the Middle Percha.
The Kentuck is owned by Bledsoe, Kelly, Roberts and com- pany. It is opened in several places and makes a good show of val- uable ore in considerable quantity.
The Frazer is owned by Frazer and Holt. Has a shaft twenty feet deep, showing ore carrying silver. Assays of over $200 have been obtained from ore out of this property. The vein is from three to four feet wide.
The Andy Johnson, Black Eyed Susan and Brush Heap mines comprise a group that were located and are now owned by Forbes and Elliott, the two pioneer prospectors of the district. The discov- ery of these two claims was the cause of the first excitement ever ex- perienced by the Percha district, as from ore found in them very high assays were obtained. They were discovered soon after the Iron King and are of the same character of mines as the u King," viz., interstratafied or bedded deposits in limestone, the overlying strata being an argyllaceous limestone, or lime shale. The most im- portant mine of the group, because of the superior amount of devel- opment done upon it, is the Andy Johnson. It has been opened on the vein by a shaft 115 feet deep and two levels run on the vein, one at thirty feet from the surface and one from the bottom of the shaft. The ore throughout will average thirty inches in thickness and ranges in value from $10 to $1,000 per ton. No general average of the vein was ever taken, but assorted lots mill upwards of $100 per ton. There is a large dump of ore at the mine which came out of the workings and an average sample of that returned at the rate of $75.00 per ton. The Andy Johnson was the first mine in the district give a high assay return, a piece off the outcrop going $750.