Page 55 - The Silver Fire
P. 55
July 3 Update (Con’t)
continue suppression efforts to reach further containment on this fire.
Open Areas: New Mexico State Highway 152 and New Mexico State Highway 35 into San Lorenzo and the Mimbres Valley remain open. Particularly on Highway 152 expect heavy traffic and watch for livestock, wildlife, rocks, fallen trees and debris. The public is reminded that Forest Service campgrounds on Highway 152 are still closed. Emory Pass Vista remains open. The majority of the Gila National Forest is open for recreational opportunities with Stage One fire restrictions in effect. For
more information on restrictions, go to
Closures: There is an emergency closure on the Gila National Forest for the fire area. For more information about the fire closure go to http:// For information on any road closures, go to
July 4. 2013 - July 4 Update
As of the last official report the Silver Fire has consumed 137,326 acres. 59% contained.
Death and destruction occur when people build where they should not. Photos across top by Bob Barnes of Hillsboro, below from Yarnell fire. Courtesy of Todd Tamscin,
Yesterday‘s Summary: Fire activity remained low to moderate. Light rain occurred on the fire in the afternoon. Some crews continued the demobilization process in preparation to downsize to a Type 3 organization. Containment lines were increased on the east to the Middle Seco Canyon area and to the west in the Rabb Park
area. Chipping work continued alongside FS Road 150 and Highway 152.
Today’s Planned Actions: Full suppression activity continues. Crews are monitoring the fire by air and ground. Rehab and mop up work will be ongoing. Chipping work continues at several areas along the fire perimeter.
The Type 3 team will arrive today to shadow the current Type 2 team. The Type 3 team will continue with full suppression efforts to increase containment. They will assume command of the fire on Friday July 5th at 6am.
Fire Activity: As a result of rain and higher humidity, fire perimeter is not expected to increase in size in the short term. Isolated pockets of fire burning in the interior may occur. Creeping and smoldering has been observed. Smoke will be visible in the area until a seasonal rain ending event occurs.
Today’s Weather: Scattered thunderstorms are expected in the afternoon and evening with frequent lightning, strong winds, and moderate to heavy rain possible. The maximum temperature should be in the lower 80’s.