Page 16 - DMEA Week 31 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       has been swept downstream to these two   these islands because most of the time the   said Lamu island has for decades witnessed
       channels and that’s why they have become   tide is low and we can’t move around as   partial flooding during high tide but that the
       too shallow. The more the ocean floor rises,   much as we would. Previously, the trips were   water rarely reached residential and business
       the shallower they become and that’s a   unlimited. Let them dredge them up so they   areas as it is now.
       challenge to navigation,† said Awadh.  attain the necessary depth,† said Vae.  He says the current situation implies that
         He called on the Kenya Ports Authority-  Lamu Old Town has in recent years   the seafloor has risen and cannot hold much
       KPA, the Kenya Maritime Authority-KMA   also witnessed unusual flooding caused by   water hence the overflow and subsequent
       and other concerned bodies to have the   overflow from the Indian Ocean during   flooding.
       channels dredged so as to remove the excess   annual tidal waves.          The Mkanda channel was last dredged in
       soil and other residue causing the waterbed   The situation always leaves homes, shops   1997 by the US Navy and has been in perfect
       to rise.                            and streets submerged for days on end.  condition ever since.
         Khaldun Vae, an investor in the Lamu   The situation has also been blamed on   Lamu town has over 5,000 boats with at
       water transport sector says the situation limits   the dredging at the Lamu port site which   least 99% of movement done via sea.
       shippers in terms of the number of trips one   has dangerously lifted the ocean bed causing   THE STAR
       makes due to the inconsistent tidal levels.  unstable water levels.
         “We can only make a single trip across   Conservationist Abdulswamad Basheikh

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2021
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