Page 15 - DMEA Week 31 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       specialists, adding: “Previously, foreign   year earlier.                The official further stated: “If sufficient
       specialists and companies assembled and   Benyan said his company, which is 70%   gas is supplied and delivered by the National
       prepared these compressors.†      owned by Saudi oil giant Saudi Aramco, will   Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) and the
         He stressed the importance of increasing   remain focused on the Saudi market, as well   maximum gas injection continues until
       the production of propane and butane gases:   as the United States, China and Africa, where   October, the injection is expected to reach
       “These gases have a high temperature   it is exploring growth opportunities, although   about 2 billion cubic meters and the amount
       when transferred to storage tanks, and with   he did not give details.   of reproduction in the final four months of
       the use of refrigeration compressors, the   SABIC said earlier in a bourse filing that   this [calendar] year will be an average of 15
       temperature of these gases is reduced to   2021 is set to be a stronger year than 2020, and  million cubic meters per day.â€
       prevent evaporation and their full capacity is   it expects margins to moderate but remain   Rajabi also said the amount of gas stored
       used.†                            healthy as oil prices and feedstock costs   in the Sarajeh storage facility in Qom is now
         The purpose of Phase 19 South Pars Project  remain elevated, supply constraints ease and   more than 100% of the plan and this process
       is to produce 56.6 million cubic meters of rich   new capacity comes on line.  continues accordingly.
       gas, 75,000 barrels of gas condensate, 400 tons   The company said it does not plan to tap   SHANA
       of sulfur per day and also produce 1.05 tons of   the debt market as its financials remain solid.
       liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane)   REUTERS                   Lamu shippers call for
       and one million tons of ethane annually to
       feed petrochemical units.                                                dredging of shallow
       SHANA                               TERMINALS & SHIPPING
                                           Gas storage in Shurijeh              channels to ease navigation
       PETROCHEMICALS                                                           Shippers in Lamu island are calling for
                                                                                the dredging of two major channels in the
       SABIC expects strong H2             plant exceeds 1 bcm                  archipelago to allow for smooth navigation of
                                                                                larger boats.
                                           The amount of gas stored in the Shurijeh
       after $2 bln quarterly profit       storage facility has reached more than one   to Mand channel and that of Mkanda to
                                                                                  They want the 500-meter long Lamu island
                                           billion cubic meters so far.
       Petrochemicals giant Saudi Basic Industries   According to the Iranian Central Oil Fields   Kililana which is about 1.5 km long dredged
       Corp (SABIC) swung to a $2 billion quarterly   Company, Ahmad Rajabi, the company’s   to deepen and widen them so as to allow ease
       profit and said it expects solid performance to   production manager, said: “With the   of use by larger vessels during all seasons.
       continue in the second half of 2021, backed by   coordination made between the company’s   Currently, the two channels cannot be
       healthy demand and rising oil prices.  production management, East Oil and Gas   navigated by larger vessels during low tide.
         SABIC, the world’s fourth-biggest   Production Company and the coordination   Shippers have to wait for the tide to rise
       petrochemicals company by sales and asset   and production management of the National   before they can embark on their journeys
       value, swung to a second-quarter profit of 7.64   Iranian Oil Company and the National   while others are forced to start their travels
       billion riyals ($2 billion) from a 2.22 billion   Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), the amount   extremely early before the tide drops.
       riyal loss in the same period last year, beating   of gas storage in the Shurijeh reservoir of   Speaking on Tuesday, Lamu Boat operators
       the average forecast of 6.1 billion riyals by six   Khangiran Sarakhs has exceeded one billion   Owners and Association chairperson Hassan
       analysts according to Refinitiv data.  cubic meters.†                  Awadh said the current shallowness of the two
         “Average selling prices rose by more   He added: “Considering the 1.856   channels was brought about by the dredging
       than 10% backed by oil price increases and   billion cubic meters of gas storage record in   at the Lamu port-LAPPSET site in Kililana,
       healthier demand. We expect the second   [the calendar year of] 1399 (which ended on   Lamu west a few years back.
       half of 2021 to be similar to the first half,†   March 20) and the key and strategic role of   The seabed within these two channels
       CEO Yousef al-Benyan told a virtual news   this reservoir in the supply and production   has continued to rise over the recent years,
       conference.                         of gas in the winter in the northern and   making it shallow and unable to hold larger
         SABIC sales jumped 72.3% to 42.4 billion   northeastern provinces, plans were made to   marine vessels during low tide.
       riyals in the second quarter from 24.6 billion a   break this record in the current year.†  “The dredge spoil from the LAPSSET

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