Page 10 - DMEA Week 31 2021
P. 10

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       NNPC head sees AKK pipeline

       boosting Nigerian economy

        AFRICA           MELE Kyari, the group managing director of  said. “He has given us all the necessary support
                         Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC),  and incentives to deliver on this project.”
                         has said he expects the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano   In a reference to recent news reports alleging
                         (AKK) natural gas pipeline to give a boost to  that NNPC was searching for new sources of
                         Nigeria’s economy.                   funding because of difficulties accessing Chinese
                           In a statement delivered by NNPC’s top  credits, Kyari also asserted that the AKK project
                         spokesman Kennie Obateru at a recent industry  had not fallen behind schedule. The pipeline is
                         event in Kano, Kyari pointed out that the AKK  still set to begin operating by the end of 2023,
                         project would provide crucial support to the  he stated.
                         Nigerian government’s domestic gasification   His words were echoed by Nigeria’s Min-
                         programme.                           ister of State for Petroleum Resources Timi-
                           The pipeline will be able to deliver at least 2bn  pre Sylva, who said at the same event that he
                         cubic feet (56.64mn cubic metres) per day of gas  expected the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK)
                         to the domestic market in its initial stage of oper-  natural gas pipeline to come on stream in 2023
                         ation, and supply levels are likely to increase in  as anticipated.
                         the future, he said.                   “Let me assure you that the [AKK pipeline]
                           The additional volumes will help make gas  project will be completed by 2023 as sched-
                         available across Nigeria, he stated. “What this  uled and the aim of rejuvenating the industrial
                         means is that it will debottleneck the gas supply  base of the affected linkage states [will] fully be
                         network in the entire country,” he commented.  achieved,” he was quoted as saying by This Day.
                         This, in turn, will foster economic growth in the   The AKK pipeline will pump gas from fields
                         agricultural, industrial and manufacturing sec-  in the southern part of the country to new
                         tors of the economy, he added.       domestic customers, including TPPs with a com-
                           Kyari further noted that the AKK pipeline  bined generating capacity of 3,600 MW and pet-
                         would support the government’s electrification  rochemical producers that use gas as feedstock.
                         programme by delivering gas to thermal power  As such, it is a key component of the Nigerian
                         plants (TPPs).                       government’s domestic gasification strategy.
                           The project is expected to lead to the estab-  NNPC and its contractors began building
                         lishment of three new independent power pro-  the pipeline along a 614-km route that runs
                         ducers (IPPs) in Nigeria, he said.   northward from the left bank of the Niger River
                           He also thanked Nigerian President Muham-  in Kogi State to the capital city of Kano State in
                         madu Buhari for backing the AKK initiative.  June 2020.
                         “This is possible because of the clear direction   When finished, the pipe will have a name-
                         that Mr. President has shown on the need to  plate capacity of 99.11 mcm per day of gas, or
                         deepen domestic gas consumption, with a view  approximately 36.175 bcm per year. Initially,
                         to creating prosperity out of the enormous gas  throughput will amount to around 56.64 mcm
                         resources we have as a nation,” the NNPC head  per day, or around 20.67 bcm per year.™

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