Page 9 - DMEA Week 31 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                           PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       EACOP holding company seen “up

       and running” by end of September

        AFRICA           PARTICIPANTS in the East Africa Crude Oil  added, this process has moved forward rela-
                         Pipeline (EACOP) project are reportedly on  tively quickly in Tanzania, where all land is state-
                         track to establish the holding company that will  owned. In Uganda, by contrast, the campaign
                         build and operate the link before the end of next  has proceeded more slowly, partly because of
                         month.                               different ownership patterns and partly because
                           According to Martin Tiffen, EACOP’s gen-  of the lockdowns the government has imposed
                         eral manager, TotalEnergies (France) expects  to curb the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-
                         the holding company to be “up and running” by  19) pandemic.
                         September. Once the new entity is operational, it   According to previous reports, the EACOP
                         will be able to assume responsibility for the pipe-  link will run from Hoima, a town in western
                         line project, which has been in the French major’s  Uganda, to Tanga, a port on Tanzania’s coast. It
                         hands since 2016, he told the Daily Monitor.  will handle 216,000 barrels per day of oil from
                           The holding company should be able to  Blocks 1, 1A, 2 and 3A in western Uganda, which
                         manage the handover seamlessly, Tiffen said.  are home to the Kingfisher and Tilenga fields.
                         “First and foremost, ‘up and running’ implies  These fields are due to begin production in 2025
                         having the new company, with its management,  and will eventually yield at least 260,000 bpd of
                         staff, offices, IT systems, bank accounts, etc. –  crude.
                         everything that [the] EACOP project needs in   The pipeline will be built by a consortium in
                         order to function,” he told the Ugandan newspa-  which TotalEnergies is serving as the operator
                         per. “That’s one key part of the puzzle.”  with a 37.5% stake. The remaining equity will be
                           He went to say that the construction of the  divided between China National Offshore Oil
                         pipeline itself was scheduled to begin in the sec-  Corp. (CNOOC), with 37.5%; Uganda National
                         ond half of next year. This will allow the link to  Oil Co. (UNOC), with 15%, and Tanzania Petro-
                         begin moving oil from western Uganda to the  leum Development Corp. (TPDC), with 5%.
                         Tanzanian coast for export in the first quarter of  Both Total and CNOOC are involved in devel-
                         2025, he noted.                      oping the oilfields that will provide throughput
                           In the meantime, he stated, EACOP’s share-  for the pipeline; the former company serves as
                         holders are trying to fast-track land acquisition  operator of Tilenga, while the latter is leading
                         along the 1,445-km route of the pipe. So far, he  work at Kingfisher.™

       Week 31   05•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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