Page 9 - GLNG Week 18 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                           AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Gunvor secures long-term deal

       with Energy Transfer for US LNG

        SUPPLY           SWISS-BASED commodity trader Gunvor is  as a customer,” said Tom Mason, president of
                         to buy 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG from  Energy Transfer LNG. “Gunvor’s commitment
                         Energy Transfer’s proposed Lake Charles LNG  to Lake Charles further evidences the progress
                         export terminal.                     we are making towards taking FID by year end.”
                           Gunvor agreed to a 20-year FOB deal as Euro-  Energy Transfer’s Lake Charles LNG export
                         pean buyers look to tie in long-term supply deals  facility will be constructed on the existing
                         for US LNG supplies at below the current high  brownfield regasification facility and will cap-
                         spot prices.                         italise on four existing LNG storage tanks, two
                           Energy Transfer also said on May 3 that it had  deepwater berths and other LNG infrastruc-
                         signed a 400,000 tpy Sale and Purchase Agree-  ture. Lake Charles LNG will also benefit from its
                         ment (SPA) with South Korea’s SK Gas Trading  direct connection to Energy Transfer’s existing
                         for gas from Lake Charles.           Trunkline pipeline system that in turn provides
                           The purchase price is indexed to the Henry  connections to multiple intrastate and interstate
                         Hub benchmark plus a fixed liquefaction charge.  pipelines. These pipelines allow access to mul-
                         The SPA is for a term of 18 years, and first deliv-  tiple natural gas producing basins, including
                         eries are expected to commence as early as 2026.  the Haynesville, the Permian and the Marcellus
                           This is Energy Transfer’s fourth SPA  Shale.
                         announced in the last four weeks, bringing the   There has been a rush of long-term US
                         total amount of LNG contracted from its Lake  LNG export deals lately with European buyers.
                         Charles LNG export facility to 5.1mm tpy.  France’s Engie agreed to import up to 1.75mn tpy
                           Europe is trying to reduce its exposure to  of LNG from NextDecade’s terminal in Texas.
                         Russian pipeline gas as the war in Ukraine causes   However, one worry for US LNG developers
                         price volatility and sanctions on Russian gas.  is they face rising prices across the world, as US
                           Gunvor is to pay prices indexed to the US  exporters are charging more because of soaring
                         Henry Hub benchmark plus a fixed liquefaction  costs.
                         charge. First deliveries are anticipated as early as   LNG project developers will need to pass on
                         2026.                                costs to the buyer satisfy lenders and unlock pro-
                           The deal will become fully effective upon  ject finance to reach FID.
                         the satisfaction of certain conditions, including   This risk is that while buyers need to pay high
                         Energy Transfer taking a final investment deci-  prices now, markets could change in 10 years,
                         sion (FID) on the Lake Charles project, the com-  while Europe’s commitment to reach net zero
                         panies said in a joint statement.    by 2050 will reduce demand for US LNG in the
                           “Gunvor is a well-known participant in the  long run.™
                         LNG industry, and we are excited to have them

       Week 18   06•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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