Page 6 - GLNG Week 31 2022
P. 6
NGC makes FID on Angola’s first non-
associated gas project
PROJECTS ANGOLA is set to proceed with its first non-as- reliable supply of gas to the Angola LNG plant
sociated gas development project, as members of and fostering the continued economic and
the New Gas Consortium (NGC) have made a social development of Angola.” It also expressed
final investment decision (FID) on the Quiluma appreciation to Angola’s Ministry of Mineral
and Maboqueiro offshore fields. Resources, Petroleum and Gas (MIREMPET)
Italy’s Eni, a member of NGC, announced the and the National Agency for Oil, Gas and Biofu-
decision in a statement dated July 27. It said the els (ANPG) for their support of the project.
partners had green-lighted a development plan NGC’s shareholders include Eni, the operator,
that called for the installation of two offshore well with a stake of 25.6%; CABGOC, a subsidiary of
platforms at the fields. NGC will also build an Chevron (US), with 31%; Sonangol P&P, a sub-
onshore processing plant for natural gas from sidiary of Angola’s national oil company (NOC)
Quiluma and Maboqueiro and a link to the exist- Sonangol, with 19.8%); BP (UK), with 11.8%;
ing Angola LNG plant that will allow it to send its and TotalEnergies (France), with 11.8%. All of
gas and condensate production to market in the these companies (IOCs) are active in Angola’s
form of LNG cargoes. offshore zone, and all are shareholders in Angola
The consortium intends to begin work before LNG, which operates a 5.2mn tonne per year
the end of this year, Eni said. The fields are then (tpy) gas liquefaction plant near Soyo in Angola’s
slated to start production in 2026 and will even- Zaire province.
tually yield up to 330mn cubic feet (9.35mn Equity in this onshore facility is split between
cubic metres) per day of gas, equivalent to about Eni, with 13.6%; CABGOC, with 36.4%; Sonan-
3.4bn cubic metres per year. gol, with 22.8%; BP, with 13.6%; and TotalEn-
Presumably, the processing plant will have a ergies, with 13.6%. The Angola LNG plant
capacity on par with projected peak yields. processes about 353bn cubic feet (9.996bcm)
The Italian major described the FID as “an per year of associated gas and natural gas from
important milestone towards unlocking new offshore fields operated by its shareholders. It has
undeveloped sources of energy, sustaining a been operating below capacity for some time.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 31 05•August•2022