Page 7 - GLNG Week 31 2022
P. 7
Viva makes progress on
infrastructure for Australian
LNG import terminal
TERMINALS VIVA Energy said on July 27 that it had entered Additionally, Viva still needs to charter an
into commercial agreements with GeelongPort FSRU, having lost a tentative booking for such
for the provision and construction of pier and a unit from Hoegh LNG to a German company,
berthing infrastructure for its planned LNG according to comments made by Woodside
import terminal at the Port of Geelong in Vic- Energy earlier this year. This came as Euro-
toria, Australia. pean companies scrambled to expedite new
The agreement involves the construction LNG import capacity in the wake of the war in
of an extension to the existing refinery pier to Ukraine as they worked to reduce their depend-
provide an additional berth for a permanently ence on gas supplies from Russia.
moored floating storage and regasification unit Woodside has a tentative agreement to supply
(FSRU). The unit would be used to receive LNG LNG to Viva’s terminal. However, the company
imports. GeelongPort will construct the exten- has been among those raising concerns over how
sion and will license the pier to Viva. Meanwhile, difficult it will be to secure FSRUs for new import
Viva will construct the related infrastructure, project given the increased competition.
including a gas pipeline and treatment facility As of late May, Viva had said it was still in
to enable the imported gas to be fed into the talks with Hoegh.
network. This comes as Australia is increasingly con-
Viva still needs to take a final investment cerned about looming shortages of natural
decision (FID) on the terminal, known as the gas in the eastern part of the country, even as
Viva Energy Gas Terminal, as well as securing it continues to be a leading exporter of LNG.
final regulatory approvals before it can proceed The super-chilled fuel produced by Australia’s
with construction of the facility. The company export terminals cannot be easily connected to
has previously said that it is targeting an FID for the country’s centres of demand.
later this year.
Week 31 05•August•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7