Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Schlumberger beats Q2 expectations

        SERVICES         OILFIELD services giant Schlumberger said last  continues to monitor the situation closely.
                         week that it had more than doubled its net profit   “The second quarter marked a significant
                         for the second quarter of 2022. The company  inflection point for Schlumberger with a strong
                         posted a net profit of $959mn for the latest quar-  acceleration of revenue and earnings growth,”
                         ter, beating analyst expectations.   commented Schlumberger’s CEO, Olivier Le
                           This represented a 123% increase on a profit  Peuch.
                         of $431mn in the second quarter of 2021 and an   “Growth was broad-based, driven by an
                         88% rise sequentially on a profit of $510mn in  increase in activity internationally, in North
                         the first quarter of this year.      America and across all divisions. The quarter
                           Schlumberger’s revenue reached $6.8bn, up  was also characterised by a favourable mix of
                         20% year on year on $5.6bn and 14% sequentially  exploration and offshore activity and the increas-
                         on $6.0bn in the first quarter of 2022. It saw its  ing impact of improved pricing, resulting in the
                         international revenue grow 15% y/y from $4.5bn  largest sequential quarterly growth since 2010.”
                         to $5.2bn and its North American revenue rise   In part as a result of its better-than-expected
                         42% y/y from $1.1bn to $1.5bn.       performance in the latest quarter, Schlumberger
                           The results were attributed to increased drill-  raised its revenue forecast for the whole of 2022
                         ing and strong oil prices, among other factors.  to $27bn.
                         And the company’s revenue growth came despite   “We expect this higher revenue to result in
                         a drop in revenue from operations in Russia in  earnings that exceed our previous expectations,
                         the wake of the war in Ukraine.      given our ambition to exit the year with adjusted
                           The company has suspended new investment  EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, depre-
                         and technology deployment into Russia and says  ciation and amortisation] margins 200 basis
                         that while it can currently operate in the country  points higher than in the fourth quarter of 2021,”
                         in full compliance with international sanctions, it  said Le Peuch.™


       Ottawa may give O&G firms more

       time to meet emissions targets

        CANADA           THE Canadian government may consider giv-  net-zero emissions by 2050. However, the oil and
                         ing the oil and gas industry more time to meet  gas industry has expressed concern over its abil-
                         federal 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  ity to cut emissions by this amount within the
                         sions-cutting targets.               required timeframe.
                           In an interview with CBC Radio, Canadian   The industry produced about 191mn tonnes
                         Minister of Environment and Climate Change  of emissions in 2019, which accounted for 26% of
                         Steven Guilbeault said some of the deep emis-  Canada’s total emissions. Under current federal
                         sions reductions required could take more time  targets this would be brought down to 110mn
                         to be achieved.                      tonnes by 2030. Doubts have been expressed
                           “I’m not saying today it’s necessarily going to  over whether the country could still meet its
                         be 2032, but the companies have said it could be  nationwide 2030 target if oil and gas producers
                         10 years, which would bring us to 2032,” he said.  take longer to cut their emissions to this level.
                         “There’s a possibility that if the industry needs a   The Pathways Alliance, a group that includes
                         bit more time, then we can provide some flexi-  six companies representing 95% of Canada’s oil
                         bility while ensuring that Canada still meets its  sands production, has said it is working to reduce
                         2030 goals, that we can allow the industry a bit  its emissions by 22mn tonnes by 2030.
                         more time if they need this time to deploy the   The Pathways Alliance’s vice president of
                         necessary infrastructure that they need to reduce  external relations, Mark Cameron, told CBC
                         emissions.”                          News that by 2032, another 2-3mn tonnes of
                           Under the government’s climate plan, all sec-  emissions cuts might be possible. This would still
                         tors currently need to cut emissions by 40-45%  not go far enough towards meeting the federal
                         below 2005 levels by 2030 as Canada aims to hit  target.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   31•July•2022
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