Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       EQT continuing talks

       with LNG players

        UNITED STATES    US natural gas producer EQT is continuing  opportunities that are closer would be helpful for
                         talks with LNG players as it continues to explore  the company because takeaway pipelines from
                         opportunities in the space. EQT’s CEO, Toby  Appalachia are already operating near capacity,
                         Rice, said on the company’s earnings call this  with little opportunity for new additions in the
                         week that it was having discussions with “LNG  near future. Indeed, Rice criticised efforts to stop
                         end-users across various geographies”.  new pipelines from being built, linking them
                           According to Rice, the company is interested  with higher energy prices.
                         in LNG opportunities on the US East Coast in   “We’ve finally reached the limit of the mid-
                         particular. Such opportunities would be closer  stream takeaway capacity in Appalachia,” Rice
                         to EQT’s operations, which are focused in  said. “We’ve got the biggest natural gas field in
                         Appalachia.                          the world, and we cannot use that to help lower
                           “Right now, we probably have an opportunity  energy prices for Americans ... because we don’t
                         to lock in contracts ... with probably about three  have pipelines,” Rice said. “They’ve been blocked,
                         or four different facilities,” EQT’s chief financial  cancelled and opposed over the last 10 years.”
                         officer, David Khani, said on the call, without   EQT posted net income of $891mn for the
                         specifying the facilities in question. “These facil-  second quarter of 2022, up from a net loss of
                         ities need gas supply,” he added.    $933mn in the same quarter last year. The com-
                           Rice noted that EQT delivers around 1bn  pany’s sales volumes reached 502bn cubic feet
                         cubic feet (28.3mn cubic metres) per day of gas  (14.2bn cubic metres) of gas equivalent in the
                         to the US Gulf Coast, where the majority of the  quarter, up from 421 bcf (11.9 bcm) equivalent
                         US’ LNG export capacity is located. Finding  in the same quarter of 2021.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   31•July•2022
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