Page 12 - DMEA Week 11 2023
P. 12

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Presidential hopeful

       states TOR revival goal

        GHANA            DR Kwabena Duffor, presidential candidate for  of industry experts – with the aim of ensuring a
                         the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of  steady supply for the plant.
                         Ghana, has said that he will prioritise the res-  The 45,000 barrel per day (bpd) facility had
                         toration of the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) to full  been expected to resume full operations by the
                         capacity if elected.                 end of February following extensive repair work.
                           Duffor, a former finance minister and gover-  It has been plagued by issues since an explosion
                         nor of the Bank of Ghana running in the coun-  at its distillation unit in early 2017 and was closed
                         try’s 2024 general election, made the comments  completely between July 2020 and January 2021.
                         while speaking to party delegates during a cam-  Outages were experienced at the crude distil-
                         paign tour in the Accra region last week. He  lation and fluid catalytic cracking units in Janu-
                         said he would commit to running the refinery  ary 2021, while only one of the CDU’s furnaces
                         “efficiently and sustainably” in order to provide  is currently operational, giving the 56-year-old
                         affordable fuel for the country.     facility an effective throughput capacity of
                           “I understand the importance of TOR to the  30,000 bpd.
                         Ghanaian economy, and if given the opportu-  Reports in May 2021 had also suggested that
                         nity to lead, I will work tirelessly to bring it back  the refinery had depleted all its feedstock, with
                         to full operation. The high cost of petroleum  operations halted for maintenance and repair
                         products is a significant burden on the average  works to begin. In mid-2022, Minister for Public
                         Ghanaian, and we must do everything we can to  Enterprises Joshua Cudjoe said the government
                         make fuel prices more affordable,” he said.  was seeking strategic partners willing to provide
                           He explained that his plan to revive the refin-  the capital required to rehabilitate TOR, which
                         ery includes a review of the refinery’s operation  requires extensive repair work, a goal which Duf-
                         procedures and general infrastructure. He out-  for seems to be continuing. His pledge to revive
                         lined that exploration for alternative sources of  refinery has painted it as an important part of
                         crude oil would take place – under the guidance  improving the country as a whole.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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