Page 7 - DMEA Week 11 2023
P. 7

DMEA                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

                         it comes to relations with Iran is that Riyadh  them in the west and in the east.”
                         refused to join the Abraham accords that nor-  With Iran already increasingly allied with
                         malised relations between Israel and some Arab  Russia—sending combat drones to the Kremlin
                         states in late 2020. The accords infuriated the Ira-  that are used in the Ukraine war and helping the
                         nians who saw them as selling the Palestinians  Russians combat sanctions—geopolitical ana-
                         down the river.                      lysts will also look at what the new Saudi-Iranian
                           Israel, meanwhile, has grown increasingly  situation might mean in terms of Riyadh poten-
                         angry that Iran has been allowed to move to the  tially aligning more closely with Moscow. More
                         point where it might soon be viewed as a nuclear  cooperation between Moscow, Beijing, Riyadh
                         threshold state. Hardly a day goes by without  and Tehran could spell trouble for Western cap-
                         someone in the Israeli government warning that  itals, and Ukraine.
                         Israel would not tolerate such a status and would   As news of the agreement struck in Beijing
                         mount a military attack on Iranian nuclear facil-  came through, there were many in Iran who—
                         ities should it look like becoming imminent. The  possibly quite right—downplayed its signifi-
                         US is keeping its cards close to its chest on the  cance, with some mentioning that perhaps it
                         matter, on the one hand advising all hope is not  should be the Lebanese who are happiest of all as
                         lost in terms of attempts to get talks on reviving  the deal might mean a bit more economic stabil-
                         the JCPOA back on track, but on the other hint-  ity for Beirut, where the rivalry between Iranian
                         ing darkly that it would not stop short of joining  and Saudi influences can be intense.
                         bombing missions aimed at Iran if that’s what it   One analyst, who previously worked with the
                         would take to stop the Iranians from getting the  Iranian foreign ministry and asked to remain
                         atomic bomb.                         anonymous, concluded that the “deal is not as
                           For the Saudis, the decision to strike up new  big as it seems,” adding that “symbolically it may
                         relations with Iran, via talks brokered by China,  sound big but strategically it doesn’t change how
                         signals to the world that Riyadh will pursue a for-  Tehran acts in the region”.
                         eign policy independent of the West.   A former diplomat with the Iranian foreign
                           Prince Saud was further quoted as saying  ministry, who also asked for the withholding
                         in London: “China is our largest trading part-  of his name, said: “The last Iranian leader who
                         ner. It is also the largest trading partner of most  attempted to bridge the gap between Tehran and
                         countries. And that is a reality that we will have  Riyadh was Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani [presi-
                         to deal with. China, for us, is an important and  dent of Iran from 1989 to 1997] and there seems
                         valued partner in many areas. We have excellent  to be no view that [current Supreme Leader of
                         working relationships across many sectors. But  the Islamic Republic of Iran] Ayatollah [Ali]
                         we have said and repeat this, always, we will look  Khamenei has changed his position on the Sunni
                         towards our own interests. And we will look for  state.”™

       Week 11   16•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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