Page 4 - DMEA Week 11 2023
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Angolan refineries

       making overdue progress

      Projects in Angola are slowly taking shape, and appear set to

      improve resource monetisation and economic diversification

        ANGOLA           AFTER  many years of waiting, Angola is  the provincial capital and is expected to produce
                         expected to see the launch of two new refineries  gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and Jet A1.
                         between now and 2026.
                           This week an update was provided on the  Soyo work
       WHAT: Angola is   60,000 barrel per day (bpd) Cabinda refinery,  Meanwhile, around 100 km to the south,
       finally starting to build   while work is progressing on the larger Soyo  US-based Quanten Consortium is working to
       some momentum in efforts   plant. The new developments are part of Ango-  prepare the site for a 150,000-bpd greenfield
       to build out its downstream   la’s drive to improve domestic refining to reduce  plant at Soyo.
       sector.           its import requirements. The country imports   The group signed a deal in August 2022 with
                         80% of its oil derivatives and plans are in place  Angola Private Investment and Export Promo-
       WHY: Opening more   for three new plants with a combined capacity  tion Agency (AIPEX) for the development of
       domestic refineries will   of 360,000 bpd.             Soyo, an intended greenfield refinery located in
       allow Angola to monetise its   Currently, the country has just one opera-  northern Zaire Province slated for completion
       domestic resources.  tional refinery, the 65,000 bpd Luanda facility,  in late 2025. According to Jornal de Angola, the
                         which has also been undergoing a $235 devel-  project will create “900 direct jobs, of which 77%
       WHAT NEXT:        opment to expand its capacity to 72,000 bpd  (700) are for nationals.”
       Two projects underway   since 2022 – a development which the Ministry   Quanten consists of TGT, Aurum & Sharp
       could bring around 210,000   of Mineral Resources has said will aid Angola in  and local technical services company ATIS
       bpd of new refining   saving $200mn in energy export costs.  Nebest-Angola. The consortium was awarded a
       capacity on stream by the                              $3.5bn build, own and operate (BOO) contract
       end of the decade.  Cabinda comments                   by Angola’s Ministry of Mineral Resources and
                         The $1bn Cabinda refinery – initially expected to  Petroleum (MIREMPET) in 2021, holding a
                         begin production in 2022 – is now set to begin its  90% stake in the refinery, with NOC Sonangol
                         first phase of production in mid-2024, with CEO  holding the remainder.
                         Tom Di Giacomo telling an African refiners con-  The partners laid the foundation stone in
                         ference in Cape Town that the first phase would  May 2022 in a seven-sq km plot in the town of
                         consist of a 30,000-bpd crude unit producing  Matanga, later announcing that they are work-
                         naphtha, jet fuel, diesel and heavy fuel.  ing to a project timeline that envisages comple-
                           Speaking to Reuters, he said: “How long will  tion in late 2025. Speaking a month later, Segun
                         the war in Ukraine continue? That’s already  Thomas, the consortium’s managing partner,
                         impacted our procurement, because some  said: “What they are doing now is to make sure
                         prices have increased since the initial expend-  the place is landmine free, for which we will
                         iture plans.” He added: “The government of  get a certificate. The project complies with the
                         Angola wants it to be as soon as possible; how-  new private investment policy and responds to
                         ever, it takes a long lead time for some of the  the various objectives identified in the National
                         procurement of equipment, such as pumps and  Development Plan 2018-2022.” According
                         compressors”.                        to Quanten’s website and various previous
                           In February, Marcus Weyll, director-general  announcements about the project, the refinery
                         of the refinery’s key backer, UK-based Gemcorp,  will produce gasoline, low-sulphur diesel, jet fuel
                         said that tests are set to begin at the end of 2023.  and asphalt.
                         He added: “The company is committed to com-  Emphasis has also been put on the refinery’s
                         missioning the refinery’s first phase during Q4,  potential to produce cleaner fuels, with Thomas
                         and will swiftly move forward with work on the  noting: “The Euro-5 standard mandates 10 parts
                         second and third phases.” He explained that first  per million for sulphur content; we are going to
                         crude test runs would begin in the first half of  be at 5 ppm,” while there may also be some form
                         December.                            of biofuel blending.
                           Gemcorp holds a 90% stake in the project   The consortium’s website notes that its “team
                         alongside state-owned Sonangol, with the Brit-  members, affiliates, subcontractors and advo-
                         ish firm responsible for the cost of construction.  cates may include (subject to negotiations and
                         This was previously estimated at $920mn, with  contracts):” KBR, McDermott, Cisco, Berklee
                         the first previously quoted at $220mn. The refin-  University’s Renewable and Appropriate Energy
                         ery is being constructed around 30 km north of  Laboratory (RAEL), the US government’s

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