Page 18 - DMEA Week 33
P. 18
REFINING 2030 smart growth strategy. The project will attractive fiscal and regulatory environment.
increase the value ADNOC derives from Investment at Ruwais will stimulate private
ADNOC expands Ruwais every barrel of oil, both by boosting refining sector activity and support long-term
specialized employment opportunities,
margins and by leaving more high-value
refining capabilities Murban crude available for export. particularly in Al Dhafra.
ADNOC Refining produces more than 40
Much of the physical infrastructure
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company required for the CFP has now been put in million metric tons of high-quality refined
(ADNOC) confirms significant progress place. Major structural elements, notably 2 products to markets around the world. It
made on its “Crude Flexibility Project†new fractionators and 24 atmospheric residue refines up to 922,000 barrels of crude oil and
(CFP), with 73% project delivery of ADNOC’s desulfurizer reactors have been installed at condensate per day into various products,
ongoing upgrade of refining capabilities in the site over the past two months. Each of including LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas),
Ruwais and strengthening the role of Ruwais the 317-ton fractionators was transported naphtha, gasoline, jet fuel, gas oil, base oil and
as a critical driver for industrial growth for to the UAE from South Korea. Installing the petrochemical feedstocks such as propylene.
Abu Dhabi and the UAE. 80-meter structures took three weeks across It also produces specialty products such as
For more than 40 years, ADNOC has June and July 2020. They will serve to separate carbon black and anode grade coke. Since
predominantly refined Murban grade crude, the component products within the crude oil 2019 ADNOC Refining has been run as a
extracted from its onshore fields in the to allow for further refining. joint venture company between ADNOC and
Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The CFP allows for Upon completion in mid-2022, the CFP the European energy firms Eni and OMV.
the Upper Zakum grade, extracted from Abu will allow ADNOC to process up to 420,000 ADNOC
Dhabi’s offshore oil fields, to be processed bpsd (Barrels per Stream Day) of heavier
along with over 50 other types of different and sourer grades of crude oil, as part of the Iraq to send second round
crudes. 840,000 bpsd refinery in Ruwais.
H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, The development of a more flexible of gasoil supplies to
UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced and adaptive refining capability in Ruwais
Technology and ADNOC Group CEO said: represents a cornerstone of ADNOC Lebanon
“We continue to focus on stretching the Downstream’s 2030 smart growth strategy,
margin of every barrel of oil we produce to launched at ADNOC’s Downstream Iraq is sending a second round of gasoil
maximize the value of our resources, while Investment Forum in 2018. Since the Forum, supplies in aid to Lebanon following the
also making responsible investments in the ADNOC has attracted significant foreign massive blast that wiped out much of
current market environment. This investment investment to Ruwais and expanded its the Lebanese capital Beirut’s port and
is another step in our progress to develop downstream partnerships across its refining, surrounding areas earlier this month.
Ruwais into a dynamic, global hub for fertilizer, and pipeline assets. ADNOC Iraqi oil minister Ihsan Ismael said that his
downstream activity, further strengthening continues to deliver on the expansion of its country will today send 30 trucks carrying
ADNOC’s role as a key driver of the UAE’s downstream business in the UAE, which will “more than 1mn litres” of gasoil to Lebanon
long-term industrial growth and economic see the Ruwais industrial hub transformed “as part of the assistance provided by the
diversification”. into a globally competitive chemicals cluster, government and the Iraqi people to the
In 2018, ADNOC announced plans to leveraging the UAE’s close geographic brotherly Lebanese people.”
diversify the feedstocks it processes. The US$ proximity to global growth markets, access to A first round of supplies was delivered to
3.5 BN (AED 12.8 BN) CFP upgrade initiative competitive feedstocks, streamlined utilities Lebanon by 22 trucks, each carrying 36,000
is a core driver of ADNOC Downstream’s and services offer, as well as Abu Dhabi’s litres of gasoil, through Syrian territory into
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 20•August•2020