Page 17 - DMEA Week 33
P. 17

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         of crude in July and another 96,000 bod of con-  particularly large one as yet.
                         densate, according to the Energy Ministry. The   The two regions’ LNG industries are closely
                         Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field delivered 435,100  linked, with US producers seeking long-term
                         bpd of crude while State Oil Company of Azer-  buyers in Asia in particular. One US company
                         baijan Republic (SOCAR) produced 119,000  trying to secure a new Asian investment cur-
                         bpd. The country has agreed to limit its pro-  rently is Tellurian, which has been in the news
                         duction to 554,000 bpd in May-July under the  for scaling back the scope of the first phase of its
                         OPEC+ production framework.          proposed Driftwood LNG terminal on the US
                           Looking further ahead the county expects to  Gulf Coast by deferring construction of some of
                         start up the Karabakh oil and gas field in the Cas-  the pipelines that would serve the facility.
                         pian Sea before the end of 2022, the head of the   The company had also recently renewed
                         Karabakh operating company, Tahir Dadashov,  talks with India’s Petronet LNG over a tentative
                         told Reuters last week.              deal that would include an 18% equity stake in
                           “In the early years oil production at the Kara-  Driftwood, as well as the option for the Indian
                         bakh field will amount to more than 1.5mn  company to buy up to 5mn tonnes per year (tpy)
                         tonnes per year [30,000 bod],” Dadashov said on  from the facility. However, Indian media on
                         August 12. He added that gas production would  August 16 cited sources familiar with the matter
                         reach 4.5mn cubic metres per day.    as saying Petronet was considering scaling back
                           The Karabakh operating company, which is  its proposed $2.5bn investment in Driftwood as
                         a joint venture between SOCAR and Norway’s  a result of Tellurian’s overhaul of the project.
                         Equinor, has been developing the field since May   A further reminder of link between the LNG
                         2018. Dadashov estimates the field has 21mn  industries in the US and Asia came last week
                         tonnes (153,93mn barrels) of recoverable oil  when the SK Resolute LNG carrier made the
                         reserves.                            10,000th Neopanamax transit of the expanded
                           The executive said support blocks for a new  Panama Canal since its opening in June 2016.
                         platform would be installed in the first quarter of  The expanded canal offers a shorter, and there-
                         next year, with engineering works on platform to  fore more competitive route for LNG deliver-
                         be wrapped by the end of 2022.       ies from the US East and Gulf coasts to Asian
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor.  the global LNG sector then please click here for
                                                              NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.
                         A better month for the LNG market
                         Things are looking up for the global LNG mar-  US seizes Venezuelan gasoline
                         ket after several challenging months on both the  The US government has stepped up its campaign
                         supply and demand fronts.            to prevent Iran from selling petroleum products
                           US LNG exports are picking up, with Reuters  to Venezuela.
                         reporting this week that they are on track to rise   On August 14, officials in Washington con-
                         for the first time in six months. This follows a  firmed that US forces had seized four cargoes of
                         spate of cargo cancellations from US liquefaction  Iranian gasoline en route to Venezuela. Tehran
                         terminals over the summer, which are continu-  responded by acknowledging that it had sup-
                         ing, but at a slower pace.           plied the fuel but described it as Venezuelan
                           Meanwhile, Asian spot LNG prices have  property, saying that Caracas had already paid
                         risen to more than a six-month high over the  its bill. Venezuela’s government did not respond
                         past week. This has been attributed to factors  immediately to reports of the seizure.
                         including the risk of a potential shutdown at the   The US action is sure to exacerbate the prob-
                         Gorgon LNG terminal in Australia, as well as  lems of Venezuela’s oil industry. According to
                         something of an uptick in demand, though not a  IHS Markit, the South American state shows no

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