Page 12 - DMEA Week 33
P. 12

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       NNPC determined to finish

       AKK gas pipeline on schedule

        AFRICA           STATE-OWNED Nigerian National Petroleum   “This is the first time an NNPC project is hav-
                         Corp. (NNPC) is determined to ensure that work  ing a steering committee led by the GMD [group
                         on the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) natural  managing director], comprising top manage-
                         gas pipeline remains on schedule, according  ment of NNPC and key external stakeholders
                         to the head of the company’s Nigerian Gas Co.  from the office of the chief of staff, representa-
                         (NGC) subsidiary.                    tives of [the] Ministries of Justice, Finance and
                           According to Seyi Omotowa, NGC’s man-  National Planning, CBN[Central Bank of Nige-
                         aging director, NNPC wants to see the AKK  ria], Debt Management Office as well as NEITI
                         scheme implemented properly and on time. All  [Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency
                         participants in the pipeline project are taking  Initiative],” he explained.
                         steps to ensure that they meet their obligations   Omotowa further stated that NNPC was con-
                         and finish construction within 24 months as  sidering increasing its equity stake in the pipe-
                         planned, he said during an online conference  line from the current level of 15%.
                         last week.                             If the company takes this step, he said, it will
                           Omotowa did not identify any specific pre-  not have to borrow so much to cover the costs of
                         ventative measures. He did say, though, that  construction.
                         Nigeria was trying to avoid problems that have   NNPC is financing 85% of the $2.8bn project
                         derailed similar infrastructure initiatives in the  with a loan facility from China Export & Credit
                         past, such as the need to change plans in response  Insurance Corp. (Sinosure). The credit is due to
                         to field conditions, challenges in selecting con-  be repaid over a period of 12 years.
                         tractors, failure to define the scope of projects   When finished, the AKK pipeline will follow
                         and unrealistic scheduling.          a 614-km route, running northward from the left
                           “We believe that from the experience we will  bank of the Niger River in Kogi state to the capi-
                         bring along with other partners in construction  tal city of Kano state.
                         technologies of the consortium, it will help in   It will serve as the first section of the Trans-Ni-
                         achieving the timeline for completion. Things  geria Gas Pipeline (TNGP) but will also pump
                         are being done differently on the AKK project,  gas to domestic TPPs, thereby making electricity
                         by the application of the transparency, account-  more widely available throughout the country.
                         ability and performance excellence initiative,” he   The pipe will have a design capacity of 3.5bn
                         was quoted as saying by This Day.    cubic feet per day (99.11mn cubic metres per
                           He also stressed that the Nigerian govern-  day, or about 36.175bn cubic metres per year).
                         ment’s plans for project governance would allow  Initially, throughput will amount to 2 bcf per day
                         for proper oversight. Multiple agencies have  (56.64 mcm per day, or around 20.67 bcm per
                         been appointed to monitor the construction of  year). It will significantly increase the volume of
                         the AKK line, he said.               gas available on Nigeria’s domestic market.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   20•August•2020
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