Page 11 - DMEA Week 33
P. 11

DMEA                                           PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Iran renews IRENEX focus as

       it inaugurates Karoun pipeline

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN this week kicked off the first phase of a  IRENEX via Islamic ‘salaf’ bonds. According
                         major oil conduit project while announcing  to the Iranian Securities and Exchange Organ-
                         a new means of selling oil on the Iran Energy  isation, each salaf contract has an equivalent
                         Exchange (IRENEX), only to change its plans a  value of one barrel of oil, and interested parties
                         few days later.                      may purchase between one and 20,000 barrels.
                           The pipeline development will move 460,000  Heavy crude is currently priced at around $42.
                         barrels per day and 254,000 bpd of heavy and  Downstream MEA (DMEA) understands that
                         light Iranian crude respectively from fields in the  Tehran intends to offer a total of 220mn barrels
                         West Karoun oil region in the south-west of the  on IRENEX via salaf bonds.
                         country to export terminals along the southern   However, over the weekend, IRENEX back-
                         Gulf coast.                          tracked, postponing the offering and saying only
                           A ceremony was held to inaugurate the pro-  that an updated schedule would be provided by
                         ject, which was attended by Farokh Alikhani,  NIOC.
                         deputy director of production affairs at the   The Iranian government has witnessed the
                         National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC), and Touraj  growth in appeal of investment with the Tehran
                         Dehqani, the managing director of NIOC sub-  Stock Market in recent months, which has seen
                         sidiary Petroleum Engineering and Develop-  a 300% growth in its trade at points over the past
                         ment Co. (PEDEC).                    year. The TSE has been one of the best bets, while
                           The  pipeline  will  transport  crude  from  property and the foreign currency markets have
                         West Karoun to the Omidieh pumping station,  weakened.
                         then on to the Bahregan and Jask terminals for   “Gold and the dollar are not the places to
                         onward export. Crude will be supplied directly  be investing. But the stock market and oil are,”
                         from the North Azadegan, South Azadegan,  Rouhani said in a televised cabinet meeting.
                         Yadavaran and Darkhovin oilfields, while supply  “The government is doing everything to control
                         from North Yaran will be moved to a facility at  liquidity and counter oil sanctions ... the plan will
                         Jofair before onward transportation to the West  help the economy and secure revenues for our
                         Karoun station.                      people.”
                           Phase 2 is currently underway, which will   In early 2019, an amendment to the Iranian
                         expand the capacity of the line to more than  budget was approved, requiring the Ministry
                         1mn bpd.                             of Petroleum (MoP) to offer 2mn barrels per
                           The conduit is part of a broader move by  month of light crude on IRENEX. This came in
                         the Islamic Republic to increase its capabilities  addition to the 2mn barrels of heavy crude oil
                         to export oil from facilities outside the Strait of  and 2mn barrels of natural gas condensates and
                         Hormuz, which has proved to be a flash point  natural gas the ministry was already obliged to
                         whenever tensions with neighbouring countries  supply to the exchange.
                         and/or the US flare up.                Crude was first offered on the exchange on
                           In April, Iran began work on an oil pipeline  October 28, 2018 as a means of providing a vari-
                         linking the Gulf port city of Goreh in Bushehr  ety of sales mechanisms to appeal to buyers.
                         Province to Jask on the Sea of Oman. Iranian   The first offer was fairly warmly received,
                         President Hassan Rouhani said at the time that  with 280,000 barrels purchased out of the total
                         the 1mn bpd pipeline would come into opera-  of 1mn barrels at a price of $74.85. However, the
                         tion in March 2021, allowing crude exports from  offerings have had patchy results since.™
                         Jask to increase. “Jask will turn into Iran’s key hub
                         of oil exports,” he added. At present the Kharg
                         Island terminal in the Gulf accounts for 90% of
                         the country’s oil exports.
                           Of the $1.8bn total project cost, the Goreh-
                         Jask pipeline is anticipated to come in at around
                         $1.1bn, with the remainder being spent on the
                         development of the port. The port of Jask will
                         feature 20 tanks with a total storage capacity
                         of 10mn barrels of crude, with plans to expand
                         export infrastructure.

                         Meanwhile, NIOC unveiled plans last week
                         to offer 520,000 barrels of heavy crude on the

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