Page 7 - DMEA Week 33
P. 7

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  Plan for the
                                                                                                  Mozambique LNG plant

                         supplies needed to respond effectively. (They  by incidents such as the coronavirus (COVID-
                         have also reported that the rebels are using resi-  19) outbreak that hit Total’s work camp earlier
                         dents of the region as human shields.)  this year.
                           On August 12, FDS suffered a major setback.   Additionally,  the  investors  may  have  to
                         ASWJ forces succeeded in gaining control of  review security arrangements in order to protect
                         Mocimboa da Praia, a port that has been serving  the employees and prevent disruption to the pro-
                         as the main entry point for shipments of equip-  ject. They have already established robust secu-
                         ment and goods for Mozambique LNG. The  rity protocols for the plant, but they may want to
                         port is about 75 km from the site on the Afungi  start providing more protection for employees
                         peninsula where the consortium is building the  and contractors who are away from the work
                         onshore plant that will process gas from Area 1.  site. The rebels have already staged attacks on
                           As of press time, neither Total nor the other  Mozambique LNG’s contractors.
                         IOCs involved in Mozambican gas projects had   In the most recent incident, eight employees
                         commented publicly on the takeover of Mocim-  of Fenix Construction Services, a local com-
                         boa da Praia.                        pany that has contributed to the project, died
                           As such, it was not clear whether recent  after gunmen ambushed one of its vehicles near
                         events had affected the pace of work on Mozam-  Mocimboa da Praia.
                         bique LNG’s liquefaction plant.
                                                              Risk and reward
                         Challenges ahead                     These considerations are not likely to derail
                         Nevertheless, there is likely to be more trouble  the project – or discourage investors in other
                         ahead. ASWJ, which attacked and occupied  ongoing Mozambican LNG schemes. As Ed
                         Mocimboa da Praia briefly earlier this year, is  Hobey-Hamsher, Verisk Maplecroft’s senior
                         not likely to retreat any time soon. Nor is FDS  Africa analyst, told Africa Oil Week in late July,
                         likely to give up, even if it struggles to re-establish  the security risks are not high enough to out-
                         government control in northern Mozambique.  weigh the potential for profit.
                           In the meantime, as long as the fighting   Nevertheless, they could force Total and
                         continues, Total and its partners will have diffi-  other IOCs to postpone work on their projects.
                         culty accessing the port they have been using to  Moreover, the delays might turn out to be longer
                         import the supplies they need to build its LNG  than expected if conflict between ASWJ and FDS
                         plant. They may have to make new arrangements  grinds on – or if it escalates.
                         for supply shipments if the militants retain con-  And it may indeed escalate. “The complicity
                         trol of Mocimboa da Praia – or if port facilities  of state officials in criminal activities in Mozam-
                         are damaged in fighting between the militants  bique increases the likelihood that the ASWJ
                         and FDS.                             will eventually secure the weapons necessary for
                           In either case, they might have to revise their  attacks on onshore LNG sites,” Hobey-Hamsher
                         work schedule, which has already been affected  said.™

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