Page 5 - DMEA Week 33
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  Morocco’s SAMIR

                           The council then advocated for the refin-  of the sale, which include restarting the refinery
                         ery’s nationalisation to ensure sovereignty and  and providing local financial guarantees. The lat-
                         to balance supply and demand. Meanwhile,  ter has reportedly been the main sticking point.
                         the new head of the MCC said that “preserving   The seemingly endless legal cases have failed
                         the national refinery will require bold political  to bring any resolution. In fact, as these have pro-
                         decision-making”.                    ceeded, clarity appears to have diminished. Offi-
                                                              cial receiver Mohamed El Krimi was replaced
                         An offer emerges                     in May 2018 by Abdelkbir Safadi amid disputes
                         Finally, in September 2019, an offer of $2.4bn  between the parties involved.
                         was submitted by UAE-based Petroen Engi-  Krimi had successfully argued the year before
                         neering following a lengthy Moroccan media  that the liquidation be extended to the private
                         campaign.                            assets of SAMIR executives. However, given that
                           However, despite the massive mark-up  six of the companies are foreigners, Rabat will
                         Petroen was willing to agree to and no others  struggle to enforce the ruling beyond banning
                         having been received that were on a par with it,  them from doing any business in Morocco for
                         nearly a year later a final deal has failed to materi-  five years.
                         alise, and the fate of SAMIR remains up in the air.
                           According to The Africa Report, the judge  History repeating
                         assigned to the case is taking his time to examine  For Moroccans weary of the SAMIR saga, talk
                         the offer.                           of a new investor and a new refinery will surely
                           Meanwhile, Downstream MEA (DMEA)  hold great appeal.
                         understands that the price and duration of the   VEB signed a memorandum on the new
                         lease for the storage units is still being negotiated.  100,000 bpd unit with the Russian Export Group
                         The lease of the storage tanks will increase the  and local firm MYA Energy, which is part of the
                         country’s inventory from 30 days to 90 days.  Marita Group, during a Russia-Africa Summit.
                                                                However, any optimism should be tempered
                         Legal case                           by a brief history of Morocco’s ‘other’ refinery,
                         With court rulings determining that the com-  Sidi Kacem, which is located 217 km north of
                         pany failed because of poor management,  Casablanca. Built with the help of Eni, which
                         Al-Amoudi has maintained that the closure  held a stake in the unit from completion until
                         was the fault of the Moroccan authorities.  it was nationalised in 1973, the 26,000 bpd Sidi
                         Al-Amoudi filed a complaint against Rabat  Kacem was shut permanently in 2009 in order to
                         with the International Center for Settlement of  improve economics at SAMIR. The mothballed
                         Investment Disputes (ICSID) in early 2018 and  facility is now used as a storage facility.
                         in April 2019 claimed that he the government   While the SAMIR debacle continues to play
                         owed him $1.5bn in compensation for the fail-  out, such an investment would suggest that
                         ure of SAMIR.                        few lessons, if any, have been learned from Sidi
                           These uncertainties do little to attract poten-  Kacem. In any case, $2.4bn is a hefty price tag for
                         tial investors, particularly given the strict terms  a glorified storage facility.™

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