Page 15 - AfrElec Week 11 2023
P. 15

AfrElec                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AfrElec

        this decade. It is also the first project on which   hub in West Africa.  seen a “rapid” rise in demand for domestic
        JIBC has partnered with the EBRD since the   The new $270mn facility sits on a 14,000   solar and battery storage installations, said
        two institutions signed a memorandum of   m2 plot, three times the size of the existing   Dr Rethabile Melamu of the South African
        understanding (MoU) in October 2022.  terminal, and has the capacity to handle   Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA).
                                             1mn passengers a year, five times the current   “There are equipment supply shortages
                                             maximum, Airport World reports.      in the market, and [this] led to increased
        South Africa’s government            country that a completely new international   installation lead times due to installation
                                               “This is the first time in the history of this
                                                                                  labour availability,” said Melamu.
        launches request for                 airport terminal has been constructed, one   renewable energy sources, alongside the
                                                                                    South Africa’s recent policy push towards
                                             that has the latest technology and the highest
        proposals to procure 513             compliance standards to make it more   failings of the national power utility Eskom,
                                             attractive to more international airlines,” Bio is  has made an ideal climate for the battery
        MW of battery energy                 quoted as saying.                    storage market to thrive.
                                               The terminal was built by Summa, a
                                                                                    Solar provider Solana Energy says that
        storage                              Turkish construction company with a   South Africa is experiencing a residential
                                                                                  solar installation boom, with households
                                             worldwide portfolio of marquee projects
          South Africa’s Department of Mineral   including airports, convention centres and   importing over ZAR2.2bn ($120mn) worth of
        Resources and Energy (DMRE) has launched   hotels.                        solar photovoltaic (PV) panels in the first five
        a process to procure 513 MW of battery   Under the build, operate and transfer   months of 2022 alone.
        energy storage, News24 reports.      (BOT) deal, Summa will now operate the   According to SAPVIA, once this
          According to the DMRE, five substation   facility for 25 years, generating earnings to   installation capacity is installed, it will surpass
        sites have been identified in the Northern   cover the outlay for construction, before   over a decade of what the government has
        Cape for the procurement of battery energy   handing over ownership to the Sierra Leone   been able to procure in solar energy.
        storage systems (BESS) with a minimum of   government.
        four hours of storage capacity, or at least 2,052   The terminal, described as the central
        MWh.                                 part of Free Town’s International Airport   Ghana assures IPPs it will
          DMRE said potential bidders were   renaissance, is powered by a 1.5 MW solar
        officially invited to participate in the   farm, is the first fully green airport terminal   settle $1.3bn in arrears
        procurement programme from Tuesday,   in West Africa and is fully capable to
        March 7. To access the documents relevant for   accommodate eight widebody planes at once.  As part of Ghana’s external debt
        the bid, a prospective bidder is required to pay   As part of efforts to develop the aviation   restructuring process, the government has
        a fee of ZAR25,000 (about $1,300) per project,   sector following the twin shocks of the 2014   assured independent power producers (IPPs)
        which is a standard practice in South Africa.  ebola outbreak and the Covid-19 pandemic,   that it is taking measures to settle arrears
          The request for proposals (RFP) follows a   the government has also revamped the   with them that stood at $1.3bn as at the end
        ministerial determination that was gazetted   gateway’s 3.2km runway, taxiways and aprons,   of January, the Business & Financial Times
        for the battery storage on 25 September 2020,   and has also modernised its communication   reports.
        writes News24.                       beacons.                               “In respect of the arrears, the government
          “In line with the determination, the Battery                            will engage with IPPs under the ongoing
        Energy Storage Independent Power Producer                                 debt restructuring exercise, with a view
        Procurement Programme has been designed   South Africa experiences        to restructuring the arrears in a manner
        to facilitate the procurement of up to 513                                consistent with the government’s debt targets
        MW,” the DMRE said in a statement.   solar panel sales boom as            of 55% net present value (NPV) of debt-to-
          Each bid response should be for the full                                GDP and external debt service ratio of 18% to
        substation energy storage capacity, it added.   power outages bite        revenue by 2028, among others, to achieve a
        “The department intends to select a single                                moderate risk of debt distress under the IMF-
        preferred bidder in respect of each energy   South Africa, which is experiencing   WB Low-Income Countries (LIC) – Debt
        storage substation.”                 crippling power shortages, has seen a sharp   Sustainability Analysis (DSA) framework,” a
          The deadline for submissions is July 5, the   increase in solar power uptake, while new   statement by the Ministry of Finance read as
        DMRE said, and an online bidders conference   tax incentives for businesses and households   quoted by the report.
        would be hosted for prospective bidders ahead  are fuelling a surge in demand for solar PV,   The move is aimed at enhancing Ghana’s
        of the deadline.                     News24 reported on Friday 10 March.  energy sector efficiency and as well as to
                                               Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana   prevent the accumulation of arrears in the
                                             announced two tax incentives last week to   future. The Institute for Economic Affairs
        Sierra Leone opens                   encourage the rollout of rooftop solar PV.  (IEA), a local think tank, had earlier called
                                                                                  for renegotiations of agreements with
                                               According to News24, businesses will be
        $270mn ‘green’ airport               able to claim tax relief on 125% of the cost of   IPPs, arguing that Ghana could save some
                                                                                  GHS12bn annually between now and 2026.
                                             the renewable energy projects as of 1 March,
        terminal, first built since          2023. This incentive will apply for two years.  Programme (ERSP) which is aimed at
                                                                                    Under the Energy Sector Recovery
                                               Households will be able to claim a tax relief
        independence                         of 25% on solar equipment but not batteries   providing a comprehensive roadmap to
                                             and inverters. This incentive is capped at
                                                                                  restore and sustain Financial Viability in the
          Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada   ZAR15,000 ($819) and is only valid for one   energy sector through key strategic actions,
        Bio this week opened the country’s first   year from 1 March, 2023.       the CWM will continue to make payments to
        international airport terminal since its   Since the end of the third quarter last year,   the IPPs in order to improve liquidity in the
        independence in 1961, a key milestone in a   increasing levels of load-shedding – and now   sector and help cover ongoing operational
        drive to position the country as an aviation   the risk of it escalating to Stages 7 and 8 – have  expenses.

       Week 11    15•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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