Page 16 - AfrElec Week 11 2023
P. 16

AfrElec              NEWBASE POWER ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG POWER)                                         AfrElec

       NewsBase Power Roundup Global

       [NRG Power]

        POWER            WELCOME  to NewsBase’s Power Roundup  with a big bang” Jindal Power chairman, Anil
                         Global (NRG Power), in which the reader is  Kuma Jha announced at the first Coaltrans
                         invited to join our team of international editors,  India conference to be held in the country
                         who provide a snapshot of some of the key issues  since early 2020. Once a regular event on the
                         affecting their regional beats. We hope you will like  nation’s coal industry calendar, Coaltrans,
                         NRG Power’s new concise format, but by clicking  like so many other gatherings in recent
                         on the headline link for each section the full text  years, was hit by COVID bans on gathering
                         will be available. If you would like to receive NRG  and travel.
                         Power Editor’s Picks every week to your inbox for
                         free then please click on the link here and fill in  ENERGO: Court ruling on Hidroelectri-
                         the form.                            ca management calls into question IPO
                                                              planned this year
                         AfrElec: Kenya Power facing $51mn reve-  A March 6 court ruling invalidating the selec-
                         nue drop as government extends 15% elec-  tion of Romanian state-controlled hydropower
                         tricity tariff subsidy               group Hidroelectrica’s management in 2019
                         Nairobi-listed Kenya Power says it will incur  has called into question the company’s IPO
                         an additional loss of $51mn owing to the gov-  planned later this year. The Court of Appeal re-
                         ernment’s decision to extend a 15% cut on elec-  jected Hidroelectrica’s appeal to a lower court’s
                         tricity tariffs by three months to April, when  ruling issued in April 2022 in the case of the
                         new power tariffs to be approved by the Energy  former Hidroelectrica CFO Petronel Chiriac
                         and Petroleum Regulatory Authority are set to  who challenged the legality of the selection
                         take effect. “If you use the parameters that were  procedures for the company’s Board of Direc-
                         used when putting the 15% reduction in place  tors in 2019.
                         in January last year, we estimate that the exten-
                         sion of the lower tariffs for the months from  REM: Petrobras, Equinor to evaluate 14.5
                         January to April 1 will cost about $51mn,” Ken-  GW of offshore wind off Brazil
                         ya Power said in a statement, as reported by the  Brazil’s Petrobras and Norway’s Equinor have
                         Daily Nation.                        signed a letter of intent to assess the economic,
                                                              technical and environmental feasibility of 14.5
                         AsiaElec: India’s Old King Coal is back but  GW of offshore wind projects off Brazil. The
                         overly optimistic                    14.5 GW is comprised of seven offshore wind
                          “King coal is coming back and coming back  projects.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   15•March•2023
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