Page 12 - DMEA Week 03 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

       ADNOC merges downstream,

       trading and marketing units

        UAE              UAE oil company ADNOC has merged its   ADNOC has a 60% interest in TA’ZIZ, while
                         downstream business with its trading and mar-  ADQ holds the rest. The pair aim to start devel-
       ADNOC is also     keting operations, as part of a strategy to enhance  oping the Ruwais derivatives park in early 2021
       bolstering its trading   its non-upstream activities.  and are targeting first chemicals production
       operations to cut   The downstream, trading and marketing  in 2025. ADNOC’s new downstream directo-
       reliance on third-party   divisions have been amalgamated to form the  rate will also support the company’s move into
       traders.          Downstream Industry, Marketing & Trading  hydrogen.
                         Directorate. This new unit “will be a critical ena-  “The directorate will also lead ADNOC activ-
                         bler of the company’s goal to responsibly deliver  ities to capitalise on the emerging global market
                         the energy and energy products that the world  for hydrogen, building on the company’s existing
                         needs.”                              position as a major producer with existing infra-
                           The main focus for sales will be the Asian  structure, partnerships and customer relation-
                         market, where ADNOC projects demand for  ships,” ADNOC said. “The new directorate will
                         refined and petrochemical products to surge  govern ADNOC’s interests across its refining,
                         over the next decade.                gas processing, petrochemicals, product sales,
                           ADNOC unveiled plans in 2018 with its  shipping and integrated logistics and trading
                         partners to invest over $45bn in building up its  portfolio.”
                         downstream activities, including an expansion   ADNOC is also bolstering its trading oper-
                         of its Ruwais refining and petrochemicals com-  ations to reduce its reliance on third-party
                         plex. In November, it teamed up with Abu Dhabi  traders. The company launched a second
                         conglomerate ADQ with the aim of attracting  trading arm in December focused on refined
                         $5bn in investment into petrochemical projects,  products. The division, ADNOC Global
                         via their joint venture in TA’ZIZ.   Trading, is 65%-owned by ADNOC, 20% by
                           “The directorate will also drive ADNOC’s  Italy’s Eni and 15% by Austria’s OMV. Earlier
                         activities to catalyse the UAE’s industrial devel-  last year it launched a crude oil-focused trading
                         opment and economic diversification, oversee-  business.
                         ing the development of TA’ZIZ and the Ruwais   The national oil company (NOC) is also look-
                         derivatives park,” the company said. “This will  ing to expand its vessel fleet, taking advantage of
                         strengthen the UAE’s position as a globally com-  current low costs for shipbuilding. Its ADNOC
                         petitive chemicals hub and destination for for-  Logistics & Services at present has some six oil
                         eign direct investment [FDI].”       tankers and two oil/chemical carriers. ™

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