Page 17 - DMEA Week 03 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       NNPC attracts 96 bids for

       pipeline rehabilitation

        NIGERIA          NIGERIAN National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)  the refineries’ downstream infrastructure in
                         has attracted bids from 96 companies for the  August 2020. The pipelines have suffered from
       NNPC is offering the   rehabilitation of pipelines and depots that serve  years of what the company has described as
       work in four lots.  its oil refineries in Kaduna, Warri and Port  “incessant” oil theft and vandalism.
                         Harcourt.                              The work is being offered in four lots: Lot 1
                           The national oil company (NOC) is mak-  covers infrastructure around Bonny and Port
                         ing another attempt to repair and modernise  Harcourt, including a 210-km products pipe-
                         its refineries, after a number of unsuccessful  line; Lot 2, meanwhile, relates to facilities around
                         efforts over the years. It is reportedly negotiat-  Escravos and Warri; Lot 3 is for infrastructure
                         ing a $1bn prepayment deal with trading firms  in Kaduna and Kano, including a 604-km oil
                         to raise funds to revamp the largest of the plants,  pipeline from Warri to Kaduna, while Lot 4 is
                         a 210,000 barrel per day (bpd) facility in Port  for work in the Atlas Cove and Mosimi areas.
                         Harcourt.                              The bidders will be required to fund the
                           The company has held a virtual public open-  repairs themselves and operate the pipelines for a
                         ing round for companies pre-qualifying for the  period so that they can recoup their investments.
                         work, it said last week, noting that the bidders  In that time, they will also receive oil transit fees.
                         hailed from a number of jurisdictions.  Companies can bid for two of the lots but can
                           NNPC launched a tender for rehabilitating  only be selected for one. ™

       Fire engulf tankers at Syria’s

       Homs refinery

        SYRIA            A major oil fire broke out at an oil depot at Syria’s  months. The Russian air force has assisted the
                         Homs oil refinery on January 19, spreading to a  government by bombing suspected hideouts of
       Seven tankers caught   number of oil tankers, according to state media.  militants in the region in recent weeks.
       fire.                The cause of the fire is unclear, although it   The Homs refinery and Syria’s other main
                         engulfed seven tankers while they were unload-  refinery in Banias on the Mediterranean coast
                         ing oil, according to Syrian Oil Minister Bassam  are both struggling to obtain enough oil to
                         Touma. The incident comes as Syria struggles  meet the country’s needs. Iranian supplies have
                         with serious fuels shortages. Homs is the coun-  been unreliable because of sanctions, and most
                         try’s main refinery, with a processing capacity of  domestic fields are controlled by the US-backed
                         120,000 barrels per day (bpd).       Syrian Democratic Force (SDF).
                            “The company and the refinery are fine,”   Syria has had to ration gasoline and other
                         Touma told state media.              fuels following months of shortages. ™
                            The fire was extinguished by civil defence
                         teams later that day, the Homs governor, Bassam
                         Barsik, said. “There are no human casualties and
                         we are working on containing the spread of the
                         fire,” he said.
                            The government has been quick to blame for-
                         eign-backed “terrorists” for such incidents in the
                         past. But it did not say whether the latest blast
                         was the result of an attack.
                            While violence has subsided in recent years,
                         attacks by insurgents and rebels on govern-
                         ment-run oil and gas installations are still rou-
                         tine. Islamic State militants have been scaling up
                         hit-and-run attacks in the Homs area in recent

       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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