Page 19 - DMEA Week 03 2021
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       UAE, Japan to cooperate             Kuwait to expand gas                 bpd previously.
                                                                                  KNPC sources said they expect all
       on fuel ammonia, carbon             facilities in Northern field         remaining units at Mina Abdullah to be
                                                                                commissioned by the end of the first quarter
       recycling technologies              OPEC oil producer Kuwait intends to   in 2021..
                                           allocate an additional $200mn for a
       The United Arab Emirates and Japan today   project to expand Jurassic gas facilities in
       agreed to cooperate on Fuel Ammonia and   its Northern region close to the border   Kuwait may set up new
       Carbon Recycling technologies during the   with Iraq, a local newspaper reported on
       UAE’s virtual business trip to Japan.  January 18.                       petrochemical project
         The agreement follows the signing of   Kuwait, one of the world’s largest oil
       a memorandum of cooperation between   exporters, awarded a $377mn contract for   Kuwait will issue a tender in April for
       the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company   the development of Jurassic gas at its ‘West   the appointment of a consultant for a
       (ADNOC) and the Ministry of Economy,   Al-Rawdatain’ field nearly four years ago to   feasibility study for a new petrochemical
       Trade and Industry of Japan, highlighting the   the Kuwaiti Septco International Petroleum   project, a local newspaper said on January
       ambition of the UAE and Japan to harness   Company.                      4.
       new commercially feasible technologies to   The state-owned Kuwait Oil Company   The government-owned Petrochemical
       reduce carbon emissions.            (KOC), which manages the upstream sector,   Industries Company (PIC) will issue the
         Ammonia will play an important role in   is planning to expand that contract for   tender, which is one of 76 contracts the firm
       enabling the hydrogen economy in the future   further development of gas installations at   intends to sign in 2021, the Arabic language
       and can serve as a hydrogen carrier and zero-  the field, the Arabic language daily Alanba   daily Alanba said, citing PIC sources.
       emission fuel.                      said.                                  “PIC intends to issue a tender for the
         During the trip, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al   It quoted “responsible” oil sources in   appointment of a consultant to carry out
       Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced   Kuwait as saying the project is designed to   feasibility for a new project in Kuwait,” the
       Technology and ADNOC Group CEO,     boost gas output to 100-120mn cubic feet   paper said without providing further details.
       and Kajiyama Hiroshi, Japan Minister of   per day and 40,000 bpd of crude oil.  It said the contracts planned in 2021
       Economy, Trade and Industry (METI),    It noted that KOC had awarded three   include new projects, supply of services and
       discussed new opportunities for strategic   contracts in the “West Al-Rawdatain”   equipment, and installation of systems and
       cooperation between the UAE and Japan.  Jurassic gas project, including one to Septco   equipment at the company’s sites.
         The discussion focused on industrial   and two to Schlumberger of the US..  Another key tender to be issued is for
       cooperation, climate change, Hydrogen and                                the appointment of a consultant to conduct
       post-Covid economic recovery and took                                    a feasibility study for a project to convert
       place during the UAE’s virtual business trip   Kuwait plans Mina al-     plastic waste into petroleum products, it
       to Japan which had in attendance Shehab                                  added.
       Ahmed Al Fahim, UAE Ambassador to   Ahmadi refinery shutdown
                                           in March                             Saudi NEOM JV working
       Govt mulls to exclude               Kuwait’s state-owned refiner KNPC has   with Lazard on $5bln
                                           scheduled a turnaround at its 346,000
       JPRC’s diesel, gasoline             bpd Mina al-Ahmadi refinery starting in   hydrogen project - sources
       from Jordanian                      bpd crude distillation unit (CDU) and   A joint venture comprising Air Products,
                                              he turnaround will shut down a 200,000
                                                                                ACWA Power and NEOM has hired
       specifications                      unspecified units at the Mina al-Ahmadi   financial firm Lazard to advise it on a
                                           refinery in mid-March and will likely last
                                                                                planned $5bn hydrogen project in the
       The government is considering excluding   for 45 days.                   NEOM high-tech business zone in Saudi
       diesel and gasoline produced by the Jordan   Production of middle distillates will   Arabia, sources said.
       Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC)   likely be affected during the maintenance,   Lazard, which advised Saudi oil giant
       from Jordanian specifications, according to   said traders.              Aramco on its initial public offering in
       Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources   The turnaround comes as KNPC works   2019, has recently approached banks to
       Hala Zawati.                        to complete its $16bn Clean Fuels Project   sound out their appetite for the project, said
         Answering an inquiry from an MP during   (CFP), which involves integrating the Mina   two sources familiar with the matter.
       the Lower House oversight session, Zawati   Abdullah refinery with the Mina al-Ahmadi   Lazard, the world’s largest hydrogen
       said that the company’s units are old and   refinery, and raising their combined crude   producer New York-listed Air Products,
       cannot meet the Jordanian specifications for   processing capacity to 800,000 bpd. Work   Saudi energy developer ACWA Power and
       diesel and gasoline before implementing its   at Mina al-Ahmadi was completed in April   NEOM did not immediately respond to
       fourth expansion project.           last year, reducing its refining capacity to   requests for comment.
         Jordan specified that diesel and gasoline   346,000 bpd from 440,000 bpd previously.  The project, which will be equally owned
       sulfur content to be 10 parts per million   KNPC has recently commissioned a   by the three partners, will produce green
       (ppm), while the diesel produced by the   23,500 bpd naphtha treatment unit at its   ammonia for export to global markets, the
       JPRC contain 9,000-12,000 ppm, and   Mina Abdullah refinery. The commissioning  companies said in July last year.
       gasoline 150-350 ppm, the Jordan News   of the new 264,000 bpd CDU had helped
       Agency, Petra, reported.            raise Mina Abdullah’s capacity to its post-
                                           CFP capacity of 454,000 bpd from 265,000

       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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