Page 16 - AfrOil Week 12 2023
P. 16

AfrOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             AfrOil

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       More than 80 Tunisian and Austrian stakehold-  to raise oil prices.      and downstream sectors of the Nigerian Oil and
       ers, with 30% of women representation, met   Saudi Arabia, the largest oil producer, said  Gas industry.
       on March 14 to discuss green hydrogen and  previously that price caps on oil will only serve   The NCDMB Chief Executive had previ-
       water-related impacts. The workshop was an  to increase instability and uncertainty in oil mar-  ously explained that the showcase of upcoming
       opportunity to exchange knowledge between  kets rather than solve any problems.  projects is intended to give Nigerian service
       government ministers, private and public sector   Saudi energy minister Abdulaziz bin Salman  companies ample opportunity to build rele-
       representatives, and academics, according to  said NOPEC does not recognise the importance  vant capacities that might be required to exe-
       UNIDO.                              of holding spare capacity and the consequences  cute the projects in-country, thereby creating
         The collaboration in green hydrogen will help  of not holding spare capacity on market stabil-  employment opportunities and retaining spend
       Tunisia to decarbonise its metallurgical, ceramic,  ity, and would undermine oil investments and  in-country.
       and glass sectors. It will also boost the creation  cause global supply to fall severely short of future   The goal he added, is also to reassure stake-
       of new sustainable industries, such as fertilisers  demand.              holders of the industry that opportunities still
       based on green ammonia.             bna/IntelliNews, 21 March 2023       abound in the Nigerian oil and gas industry and
         Participants discussed the importance of                               encourage them to look forward and invest in
       green hydrogen in achieving the countries’ goals   NCDMB to host 4th Nigerian   the sector, despite concerns about energy tran-
       of renewable energy, as it opens new markets and                         sition and other emerging developments in the
       opportunities, UNIDO said.          Oil and Gas Opportunity Fair         global oil and gas industry.
         Tunisia’s location can also support Central                              The event which is managed by Jake Riley Ltd
       Europe’s hydrogen needs across industries,  The Nigerian Content Development and Mon-  promises to have a greater impact this year and
       transportation, and energy, as “the current gas  itoring Board (NCDMB) has announced plans  the agenda would focus on industry linkages as
       corridor between North Africa and Southern  to organise the 4th edition of the Nigerian Oil  well as opportunities within the African conti-
       Europe can be repurposed to transport large  and Gas Opportunity Fair (NOGOF), with the  nent. The event promises to showcase oppor-
       quantities of cost-competitive green hydro-  theme “The oil and gas industry: Catalyst and  tunities that exist in the industry over the next
       gen from Tunisia through Italy to Central  fuel for the industrialisation of Nigeria.”  three to five years and presentation will be made
       Europe, including Austria leveraging existing   After being held virtually in May 2021 in a bid  by over 20 international and indigenous oil and
       infrastructure.”                    to curtail the spread of COVID-19 pandemic,  gas companies.
         The event was attended by Ula Krauss-Nuss-  the biennial event is set to return to the NCDMB   Some of the topics that will be discussed at
       baumer, Ambassador to the Austrian Embassy  Conference Center in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State  NOGOF 2023 will include upstream oppor-
       in Tunisia, Bilhassan Chiboub, Director Gen-  from the 17th to 19th May 2023, and would  tunities, linkage industry opportunities, gas
       eral of Electricity and renewable Energies of the  showcase the various opportunities that exist in  and downstream opportunities, financing and
       Ministry of Industry, Michael Losch, Special  the Nigerian oil and gas industry.  investment, environmental, social and govern-
       Envoy for Green Industrial Policy of BMK, and   The event, which was introduced by Simbi  ment (ESG) and sustainable and regional oppor-
       Hanan Hanzaz, Head of the Regional Coordina-  Kesiye Wabote, led NCDMB in 2017, with the  tunities with members of the African Petroleum
       tion Division for Arab Countries representing  inaugural edition held at Uyo, Akwa Ibom State  Producers Organisation (APPO). Other topics
       UNIDO.                              has consistently showcased short- to medi-  will include topical and challenging issues cur-
       bna/IntelliNews, 20 March 2023      um-term plans and activities of operators and  rently facing the oil and gas industry, with the
                                           project promoters in the upstream, midstream  goal of finding lasting solutions in the industry.
       Libya’s oil minister says

       proposed NOPEC bill
       destabilises oil markets

       Libya’s oil minister Mohamed Oun has warned
       that the US Congress approval of the No Oil
       Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC)
       will only serve to destabilise the international oil
         “OPEC+ is trying to achieve the stability of
       the market via determining the supply quanti-
       ties not the prices,” he said in comments during
       a meeting with the Algerian ambassador in Trip-
       oli, Reuters reports.
         NOPEC a bill proposed by the US Congress
       in 2007, was originally proposed to protect US
       consumers and businesses from engineered oil
       spikes. It exerts pressure on the rest of the world
       to increase oil supplies, and consequently reduce
         The bill allows Washington to file lawsuits
       against oil producers, including OPEC mem-
       bers and allied countries, for allegedly plotting

       P16                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 12   23•March•2023
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