Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       ability to fulfil its contracted supply mandate   Collaboration is the only proven strategy to   building products and other applications.
       for water-borne crude oil (which have since   make supply chain cybersecurity a reality,”   Price increases will range from 9% to 20%
       been resolved). Including the impact of these   said Tobias Whitney, vice president of strategy   depending on the product and grade and go
       updates, operating expense per barrel for   and policy for Fortress. “The Fortress-  into effect for shipments beginning November
       the third quarter of 2022 is estimated to be   ONG-ISAC partnership will foster better   1, 2022.
       approximately $4.25-4.50 per barrel, capture   information sharing of cybersecurity risk to   These price increases are necessary to help
       rate on the benchmark Gulf Coast 2-1-1 crack   the oil and gas industry.”  offset significant and continuing cost increases
       spread is anticipated to remain at 50%-54%,   The Fortress Asset to Vendor (A2V)   in labour, transportation, materials and
       and total capital expenditures are estimated to   Network will create an industry-wide risk   manufacturing costs.
       remain at $30-35mn, for the third quarter of   management profile for all vendors and   US SILICA HOLDINGS, September 27, 2022
       2022, as previously communicated.   suppliers used by all ONG-ISAC members.
       VERTEX ENERGY, September 29, 2022   A2V information sharing ensures that when   Grey Rock forms
                                           one member identifies a vulnerability, all
                                           members are notified. Fortress supports and   partnership with Rebellion
       SERVICES                            coordinates remediations requests with the
                                           larger vendor community to facilitate timely   Energy Solutions dedicated
       Fortress Information                and effective responses that save time, effort,   to legacy oil and gas well
                                           and money for ONG-ISAC members.
       Security and Oil and Natural        cybersecurity challenges as a united front,”   remediation
                                              “As an industry, we must face today’s
       Gas Information Sharing             said Angela Hahn, executive director of the   Grey Rock Investment Partners, through
                                           ONG-ISAC. “As an ISAC, we look to partners
       Analysis Center to develop          like Fortress to provide valuable insights   its affiliated investment vehicles, today
                                                                                announced an agreement to make an
                                           about risk and threats that could impact our
       collaborative to secure             members.”                            investment in Rebellion Energy Solutions
                                                                                and fund additional growth of the company.
                                              ONG-ISAC members will have access to
       supply chains                       the A2V Library. They will be able to purchase   Rebellion intends to use the committed capital
                                           specific Supply Chain Risk Management
                                                                                to execute on its strategy of reducing methane
       Fortress Information Security and the Oil and   (SCRM) products, including the Fortress   emissions and mitigating environment
       Natural Gas Information Sharing Analysis   Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)/Hardware   impacts from legacy oil and gas wells.
       Center (ONG-ISAC) today announced an   Bill of Materials (HBOM) analysis libraries.  Rebellion is well positioned to address the
       industry-wide initiative focused on securing   FORTRESS INFORMATION SECURITY AND   ongoing strain of asset retirement services
       hardware and software components and   THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS INFORMATION   on the industry, while meeting increasing
       supply chains.                      SHARING ANALYSIS CENTER, September 27,   demand for reduction of methane emissions
         The software and hardware used by oil   2022                           from which carbon offset credits can be
       and natural gas systems are critical to the                              generated and registered.
       industry’s reliable and safe operation. In   US Silica announces price     Led by chief executive officer Staci
       addition, the supply chains for these products                           Taruscio, who has nearly 20 years of energy
       are at increased risk of compromise. Fortress   increases on industrial and   industry experience, Rebellion operates
       will enable ONG-ISAC members to manage                                   with a strategic approach to quantifying and
       these risks securely and cost-effectively.  specialty products           diminishing the negative environmental
         For more than two years, Fortress has                                  impact of non-producing oil and gas wells
       operated a central repository of data on   US Silica Holdings announced today that its   by properly and efficiently decommissioning
       hardware and software supply chains for   industrial and specialty products segment will   them and restoring impacted lands.
       major utility companies, the Department   increase prices for most of its non-contracted   “We are excited to partner with the team
       of Defense, and other clients. Fortress will   silica sand, aplite, limestone, diatomaceous   at Rebellion who has unique expertise in
       replicate its risk and remediation programs for  earth, perlite, engineered clays and non-  petroleum engineering, field operations,
       the oil and gas industry.           activated clay products used primarily in   impact measurement, and land restoration
         “Hardware and software supply     glass, filtration, foundry, paints, coatings,   to offer solutions that help reduce carbon
       chain security is complex and dynamic.   elastomers, roofing, chemicals, recreation,   emissions,” said Matt Miller, Grey Rock

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   29•September•2022
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