Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            an additional 26.25% ownership interest   Williams reaffirms earnings
                                           in Millennium Pipeline for approximately
       Devon Energy completes              $552mn in cash.                      guidance
                                             The transaction will be financed with cash
       acquisition of Eagle Ford           on hand and available capacity under the   Williams today announced that based on
                                                                                expected strong third-quarter performance
                                           company’s revolving credit facility. Under the
       bolt-on                             terms of the agreement, DTM will acquire   and expectations for the fourth quarter, and
                                           National Grid’s full ownership interests in
                                                                                despite recent market weakness, the company
       Devon Energy today announced that it   Millennium Pipeline, which, upon closing,   anticipates its full-year adjusted EBITDA
       has completed its previously announced   will bring DT Midstream’s total ownership in   will be near the high end of its previously
       acquisition of Validus Energy, an Eagle Ford   Millennium Pipeline to 52.50%.  announced guidance range of $6.1-6.4bn.
       operator, for a total cash consideration of   Millennium Pipeline is a 263-mile   “At Williams, we continue to execute on
       $1.8bn, less purchase price adjustments.  interstate pipeline, strategically positioned to   our natural gas focused strategy, which is
         This acquisition secures a premier acreage   deliver Northeast Marcellus and Utica gas to   delivering in the current environment and
       position of 42,000 net acres (90% working   utility and power plant markets across New   will continue to deliver substantial growth
       interest) adjacent to Devon’s existing leasehold   York State and New England. DT Midstream   for the long-term,” said Alan Armstrong,
       in the basin. Current production from the   is a founding developer and existing owner   president and CEO. “We have built a business
       acquired assets is approximately 35,000   in Millennium Pipeline, which has been   that is steady, predictable and durable through
       boe per day and is expected to increase to   in service since 2008. The pipeline is also   market cycles. As with prior volatile markets,
       an average of 40,000 boe per day over the   interconnected with the company’s wholly   Williams’ performance remains resilient
       next year. The transaction also adds 350   owned Bluestone Gathering Lateral Pipeline   and is well positioned to thrive through the
       repeatable drilling locations in the core of the   which has upstream connections to its   current macro-economic risks including
       Karnes Trough oil window along with 150   Susquehanna Gathering System.  inflation, higher interest rates and a potential
       high-quality refrack candidates. This highly   “Increasing our ownership in a premium   recession.”
       economic inventory positions the company’s   integrated asset like Millennium Pipeline   On August 1, 2022, Williams raised the
       Eagle Ford assets to sustain its high-margin   directly aligns with our strategic investment   Adjusted EBITDA guidance for the second
       production and free cash flow generation for   thesis and accelerates our growth plan,”   time since its original issuance in February
       several years.                      said David Slater, president and CEO. “This   2022, driven by strong base business
       DEVON ENERGY, September 28, 2022    transaction also increases the revenue   performance, increased volume outlook for
                                           contribution from our pipeline segment,   upstream joint ventures and the benefit of
                                           underpinned by take-or-pay contracts with   higher commodity prices.
       MIDSTREAM                           high credit quality customers,” added Slater.  WILLIAMS, September 29, 2022
                                             Jeff Jewell, executive vice president and
       DT Midstream increases              CFO of DT Midstream, said: “This transaction   DOWNSTREAM
                                           will be immediately value accretive and, given
       ownership in Millennium             the strength of our balance sheet, will be fully   Vertex Energy provides
                                           funded with cash on hand and available credit
       Pipeline                            capacity.”
                                           DT MIDSTREAM, September 29, 2022
       DT Midstream today announced that it                                     operational update
       has entered into an agreement to acquire                                 regarding Mobile refinery
                                                                                and updates prior third-

                                                                                quarter guidance

                                                                                Vertex Energy, a leading specialty refiner and
                                                                                marketer of high-quality refined products,
                                                                                today provided an update to its operational
                                                                                and financial outlook for the company’s
                                                                                Mobile, Alabama refinery.
                                                                                  Throughput volumes for the third
                                                                                quarter of 2022 are now estimated to be
                                                                                approximately 68,000-69,000 barrels per day
                                                                                (bpd). The reduced estimated throughput
                                                                                volumes for the quarter, versus the company’s
                                                                                previously communicated guidance,
                                                                                reflect management’s decision to accelerate
                                                                                significant planned maintenance following
                                                                                recent and temporary crude supply issues.
                                                                                These supply issues resulted from third-party
                                                                                disruptions, impacting Vertex’s supplier’s

       Week 39   29•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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