Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 30 2022
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           Petrobras commits to invest approximately  Concordia to continue providing gangway con-
       GOGEC unhappy with GAWU             BRL1bn in local content by December 31, 2026,  nected operations through September 2022 at
                                           in accordance with the provisions of ANP Res-
                                                                                Cassia C offshore Trinidad.
       and OTWU memorandum of              olution 848/2021. With this, all administrative   approximately $3.5mn.
                                                                                  Total value of the contract extensions is
                                           proceedings related to the collection of fines aris-
       understanding                       ing from non-compliance with local content in   Prosafe is a leading owner and operator of
                                           these concessions will be terminated, resulting  semi-submersible accommodation vessels. The
       The president of the Guyana Oil and Gas Energy  in a reduction in the liability of BRL639mn in  company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange
       Chamber (GOGEC), Manniram Prashad notes  the financial statements of June 30, 2022, which  with ticker code PRS.
       with concern an MoU signed between Guy-  will be disclosed to the market on July 28, 2022.  Prosafe SE, July 26 2022
       ana Agricultural and General Workers Union   The commitments of acquisition of goods
       (GAWU) and Oilfield Workers Union (OWTU)  and services of the TAC proposal are concen-  AKOFS Offshore AS signs
       of Trinidad and Tobago “to properly bargain for  trated in the activities of exploration and devel-
       the fair treatment of workers and apply pressure  opment of production in areas of Round Zero,   contract for Aker Wayfarer
       for workers’ rights in Guyana.”     whose contracts do not establish minimum per-
         GOGEC has always advocated for Guyanese  centages of local content. The signature of the  AKOFS Offshore AS has now signed a firm con-
       workers doing the same job as expatriates to be  TAC does not alter the investments foreseen in  tract for its vessel Aker Wayfarer that will con-
       paid similar wages.                 the Strategic Plan 2022-2026, disclosed by Petro-  tinue to perform services as a subsea equipment
         We respect good industrial relations and are  bras on November 24, 2021, and is in line with  support vessel (SESV) for Petrobras as client in
       at the forefront to ensure that we have a healthy  the strategy of generating value by managing the  Brazil.
       industrial climate.                 Company’s liabilities and improving its capital   The duration of the contract is approximately
         It is unfortunate that GAWU feels that for-  allocation.               4 years, and the services will commence in first
       eign intervention is needed to represent oil and   Petrobras, July 27 2022  half of 2023. AKOFS Offshore will be perform-
       gas workers who are attempting to get unionised.                         ing the Aker Wayfarer operations jointly with its
         GOGEC is of the view that we have good                                 partners Bravante for marine services and Ocea-
       industrial practices in the oil and gas sector, in  PROJECTS & COMPANIES  neering for ROV services.
       which the Ministry of Labour has been moni-                                Total contract value is about $282mn, of
       toring closely and quite effectively.  BW Offshore transfers             which about $198mn will be revenue allocated
         In Trinidad and Tobago, Petrotrin experi-                              to AKOFS Offshore and included in the compa-
       enced a series of strikes, protection actions and   ownership and operation    ny’s backlog.
       marches. Petrotrin was forced to close in 2008.                            “We are pleased with the opportunity to
       The OWTU lost a significant amount of its   of FPSO Yùum K’ak’náab       provide advanced services to Petrobras. We
       membership.                                                              welcome Bravante to the ‘OneTeam,’ as we con-
         We have a relatively stable industrial climate   over to Pemex         tinue to build on the impressive Aker Wayfarer
       in the oil and gas sector in Guyana and we want                          track record,” says Geir Sjøberg, CEO of AKOFS
       it to remain that way. GOGEC is urging GAWU  BW Offshore Ltd today announces that, with  Offshore.
       to reconsider its decision to bring in a foreign  effect from July 22, 2022, Pemex has assumed   AKOFS Offshore, July 25 2022
       union and to seek help from other trade unions  the ownership and operation of the FPSO Yùum
       and experience trade unionists in Guyana in  K’ak’náab in accordance with the terms of the   Rockhopper announces
       which there is abundance.           15-year FPSO financial lease contract that com-
       GOGEC, July 27 2022                 menced in 2007. Following the transfer, BW   update on Sea Lion project
                                           Offshore has no obligation to provide further
       Petrobras approves                  operational services to Pemex.       AIM-listed Rockhopper Exploration, the oil
                                              About BW Offshore: BW Offshore engineers  and gas exploration and production company
       conduct adjustment                  innovative floating production solutions. The  with key interests in the North Falkland Basin,
                                           Company has a fleet of 10 FPSOs with poten-
                                                                                has announced that all regulatory consents
       agreement with ANP                  tial and ambition to grow. By leveraging four  required for the transaction between the Com-
                                           decades of offshore operations and project exe-
                                                                                pany, Harbour Energy and Navitas Petroleum
       Petrobras, informs that it approved today the  cution, the Company creates tailored offshore  as announced on April 19, 2022, which involves
       execution, with the National Agency of Petro-  energy solutions for evolving markets world-  Harbour exiting and Navitas entering the North
       leum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), of a  wide. BW Offshore has around 2,000 employees  Falkland Basin, have been received from both
       Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC) for  and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.  the Falkland Islands Government (FIG) and the
       compensation of local content fines related to 22   BW Offshore, July 24 2022  UK Secretary of State.
       concessions in which Petrobras has 100% work-                              As part of the Transaction, FIG has agreed
       ing interest, located in the Barreirinhas, Campos,   Prosafe SE secures    to grant a two-year licence extension to all the
       Espírito Santo, Parecis, Potiguar, Recôncavo,                            licences held by Rockhopper in the North Falk-
       Santos, Sergipe-Alagoas and Solimões basins.  contract extension         land Basin. Accordingly, the licences will now
         The TAC provides for the conversion of fines                           run until November 1, 2024.
       for non-compliance with the local content clause   for Safe Concordia      The Transaction remains subject to certain
       of these 22 concessions into commitments of                              other conditions but is expected to formally
       investments in Exploration and Production with  BP Trinidad  and  Tobago  LLC  (bpTT)  has  complete during Q3-2022.
       local content. Under the terms of the agreement,  exercised all four weeks of options for the Safe   Rockhopper Exploration, July 26 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   27•July•2022
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