Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 12
LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
Sachsida (L) and Bolsonaro (R) discussed fuel prices at a public appearance (Photo: Facebook/Adolfo Sachsida)
That country is currently facing extensive sanc- decline by at least BRL0.10 per litre in the near
tions because of its invasion of Ukraine, but the future as a result of the Brazilian government’s
Brazilian president said he was confident that decision to push back the deadline for fuel dis-
the fuel would be delivered “as soon as possible” tributors to comply with 2022 decarbonisation
once the government was able to confirm that requirements. He was referring to an adminis-
“everything is clear.” trative measure announced by Brasília on July
He also boasted of his close ties with Russia. 22 that pertained to the target date for mandated
“My relationship with the Russian government carbon credit purchases by producers of etha-
is not good. It is exceptional,” he was quoted as nol and other biofuels. These producers typically
saying by Money Times. pass the costs of such credits on to consumers, so
Meanwhile, Sachsida went on to say that he the mandate would have made motor fuels more
expected domestic gasoline and diesel prices to expensive.
Echo Energy Plc says gas-fired generators
secured for fields in southern Argentina
AIM-LISTED Echo Energy says it is continuing This is in line with the joint venture’s pri-
to work with Roch, its privately owned Argen- mary operational priority for the Santa Cruz
tinian partner, to raise its power generating Sur Assets Production and Infrastructure
capacity to the level needed to sustain elevated Enhancement Plan, which was unveiled earlier
hydrocarbon production levels at its fields in this month, it added.
southern Argentina. Under the long-term contract, Roch and
In a statement dated July 25, the company Echo will be able to install a 1,375-kVA gener-
reported that its joint venture with Roch had ator at Cerro Molino Oeste field and 375-kVA
signed a long-term contract for the use of gas- generators at the El Indio Oeste and Oceano
fired generators at Santa Cruz Sur. fields, the statement said. The necessary equip-
The generators will be installed at the Cerro ment has already been mobilised, it noted, and
Molino Oeste, El Indio Oeste and Oceano fields, the joint venture’s employees are set to start
all three of which are located in the Austral installation work this week and wrap it up in
basin, it said. around one month.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 27•July•2022